
by Lex Friedman

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Lex Games Daily Leaderboard
March 28th, 2025

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Ranking our paying members for their performance
across Lex Games on March 28th, 2025.

It's a proprietary formula
that assigns points for success across alllllll of Lex Games.

See stats for:
or for all of March
Rank Who Score
1. dotcom54,727
2. JonathanGlasgow44,434
3. qupinaut44,420
4. kevrodg44,081
5. Banstyle43,134
6. polemarkh40,881
7. Yhg1s40,697
8. mdrichard0540,449
9. jsuttonmorse40,288
10. CaptainBlasto39,815
11. kantgant39,522
12. JonathanB38,667
13. rawrdimus36,470
14. Mark S36,163
15. greermama35,678
16. tracky35,376
17. sjcarter@mac.com34,710
18. Egg34,120
19. JudyC33,968
20. ggodwin33,134
21. bumblefett32,082
22. sem31,959
23. musubi31,820
24. Diamond_Dog31,477
25. eltsac31,123
26. juri30,989
27. sepcot29,500
28. MrMumbly29,260
29. robbinamsterdam29,052
30. some chap28,284
31. coachwatson28,235
32. TomFrog26,938
33. Quam26,659
34. charlesa26,405
35. Andrew Kemp26,003
36. holgr25,991
37. otter23,650
38. JSlo21,832
39. JeremyK21,755
40. mccllstr21,499
41. jonny21,260
42. scottaw19,350
43. mythgard17,565
44. stuart16,581
45. Marcintosh16,052
46. Bigmike15,854
47. gregde14,883
48. CsRoss14,321
49. spd14,305
50. agiletortoise14,050
51. liorzoë12,629
52. enigmadan12,340
53. rlivsey9,633
54. eiskrap8,893
55. onePageAtATime8,465
56. rlorenz7,264
57. Ani Friedman5,940
58. ballookey5,897
59. Dez5,826
60. cysiphist5,806
61. trewin5,556
62. peterk5,253
63. calrdfl4,996
64. Barry4,974
65. Ulnagar4,881
66. natebeaty4,609
67. hedwyg4,481
68. notlex4,370
69. TRezendes4,095
70. AliW3,977
71. zenwheel3,710
72. Lupestro3,500
73. drp7773,110
74. FredDuffle3,056
75. Spol3,020
76. Peter2,997
77. iamyourrobot2,990
78. liss2,840
79. elkgirl2,831
80. nertzy2,760
81. GSStamas2,676
82. Ianc2,640
83. YBrammer2,600
84. heyitsdiggy2,523
85. eczarny2,336
86. walmeister2,000
87. Katsumoto1,759
88. bik1,500
89. mandli1,470
90. joekissell1,221
91. JorvikDave1,000
92. Tamazon1,000
93. brian666
94. notthatlucas500
95. mescutia500
96. SkipTomilou500
97. Girlcarew500
98. Larry500
99. LCP500
100. adas500
101. ducthe500
102. mdwgame500
103. sullust500
104. Cactaur500
105. zzzp500
106. alpha_st3alth500
107. celticelk500
108. QuickDraw500
109. mantheron500
110. notthesmartestguy500
111. chrisoverzero500
112. mathieu500
113. Gensa21500
114. LBB500
115. ellend500
116. knitphit500
117. AndieLL500
118. Irrevanent500
119. rjs500
120. daraghbee500
121. stijndm500
122. the23rdelf500
123. francis500
124. tbeckett148