
by Lex Friedman

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Lex Games Daily Leaderboard
February 21st, 2025

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Ranking our paying members for their performance
across Lex Games on February 21st, 2025.

It's a proprietary formula
that assigns points for success across alllllll of Lex Games.

See stats for:
or for all of February
Rank Who Score
1. mdrichard0525,821
2. kantgant22,070
3. Quam21,563
4. scottaw21,404
5. sem21,198
6. bumblefett20,478
7. liorzoë17,814
8. otter16,522
9. ggodwin16,221
10. robbinamsterdam16,125
11. JSlo14,738
12. tbridge11,017
13. JeremyK10,865
14. Andrew Kemp10,627
15. almostrecesstime9,228
16. Dez7,912
17. AliW7,890
18. jonny7,754
19. TomFrog7,399
20. mccllstr7,396
21. Bigmike7,362
22. MCC7167,191
23. stuart7,140
24. eiskrap7,050
25. natebeaty6,980
26. peterk6,110
27. Egg5,370
28. juri4,980
29. billo4,770
30. helbonikster4,754
31. Ianc4,590
32. stefp4,106
33. Ulnagar3,984
34. liss3,840
35. Deep River Dave3,670
36. zenwheel3,520
37. onePageAtATime3,520
38. TRezendes2,907
39. chancerubbage2,800
40. Marcintosh2,605
41. Swifty2,477
42. Diamond_Dog2,432
43. UncleJoe2,415
44. coachwatson2,246
45. Allison1,700
46. marshally1,672
47. MGSoria1,000
48. YBrammer943
49. Ani Friedman810
50. iouge500
51. adas500
52. JockeyFontaine500
53. avakining500
54. drudesign500
55. QuickDraw500
56. mantheron500
57. janetg500
58. mathieu500
59. profpod500
60. nybor500
61. billwashere500
62. ellend500
63. Pi3500
64. AndieLL500