
by Lex Friedman

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Lex Games Monthly Leaderboard
November 2024

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Ranking our paying members for their performance
across Lex Games on November 2024.

It's a proprietary formula
that assigns points for success across all seven Lex Games.

See stats for:
Rank Who Score
1. kantgant1,108,130
2. mdrichard05918,530
3. eltsac833,655
4. bumblefett828,681
5. jsuttonmorse802,342
6. ggodwin765,470
7. jrduncans757,677
8. belehaa753,420
9. Stefferniek727,151
10. juri725,607
11. steev711,225
12. sem709,502
13. sepcot701,768
14. offput693,358
15. calrdfl683,192
16. FredDuffle648,728
17. some chap644,013
18. ilcdan613,644
19. JudyC609,056
20. MrMumbly604,476
21. stefp601,277
22. MCC716598,598
23. Mark S590,762
24. WLG573,415
25. Quam550,063
26. TomFrog548,407
27. k._pow527,938
28. TLee64527,836
29. JonathanB521,094
30. nrock2277518,626
31. scottaw508,536
32. Diamond_Dog483,992
33. charlesa439,620
34. Ianc437,434
35. Andrew Kemp430,259
36. rlorenz428,896
37. TX101010425,668
38. coachwatson421,358
39. wixardy418,759
40. JeremyK417,459
41. merlinthp409,512
42. natebeaty393,075
43. adamqp387,663
44. Bigmike384,671
45. JSlo365,040
46. danielpunkass355,256
47. rtteachr346,860
48. stuart343,596
49. leoncowle328,114
50. mccllstr310,810
51. Frankybeenz308,229
52. Peter282,734
53. Ani Friedman278,857
54. Marcintosh277,573
55. jazzy273,206
56. holgr267,663
57. bwhough267,132
58. rlivsey262,775
59. eiskrap254,461
60. jonny234,663
61. gregde226,880
62. rebecca203,724
63. billo169,841
64. dru89157,519
65. avidbeader145,523
66. Amj501144,916
67. CsRoss142,612
68. LSR140,586
69. BooBooBot132,435
70. AliW131,565
71. enigmadan126,714
72. Pdkoenig122,480
73. drp777113,740
74. trewin113,182
75. otter113,082
76. greermama112,416
77. dswallow111,390
78. chancerubbage110,548
79. peterk107,982
80. SAT232105,775
81. tgarber95104,425
82. plantbasedrobot101,675
83. aburtch98,845
84. Dez97,982
85. liorzoë97,225
86. Birdie93,872
87. laurengsnell87,437
88. Tmaguire79,186
89. agiletortoise74,229
90. adamadam73,529
91. mandli72,032
92. TRezendes71,526
93. Nathan B71,511
94. Barry69,252
95. zenwheel68,272
96. tbridge67,036
97. iamyourrobot65,041
98. nertzy58,951
99. Dalia58,176
100. DennisB58,150
101. glucas56,613
102. timkingman53,238
103. elkgirl52,978
104. pmele50,499
105. liss50,240
106. sullust49,621
107. andylynch48,450
108. Adji46,450
109. nibeck45,314
110. EmmaVB44,935
111. alistairlee44,337
112. SoQueSera2144,138
113. Mark Tomas43,790
114. rsfinn36,665
115. quailman36,041
116. marshally31,160
117. gknauss27,568
118. raccoona26,457
119. yitz24,985
120. PhilStollery24,665
121. kricket568723,550
122. brian23,524
123. LaurenSKF22,985
124. ChrisK21,500
125. Swifty21,447
126. ned18,771
127. srilaura18,500
128. tonirb17,500
129. Fikiri14,869
130. GSStamas14,824
131. Rootbeer24614,550
132. mrakes14,430
133. HMSeh14,221
134. dbergey14,175
135. reverendbink12,501
136. robbinamsterdam12,320
137. Sierra11,382
138. hroe11,285
139. giromide10,890
140. helbonikster10,691
141. DanHolder10,500
142. woolie10,500
143. dauld10,500
144. SkipTomilou10,000
145. Sophbarratt10,000
146. Larry10,000
147. ducthe10,000
148. JockeyFontaine10,000
149. avakining10,000
150. Cactaur10,000
151. drudesign10,000
152. celticelk10,000
153. lewi10,000
154. tylermurphy10,000
155. Girlcarew9,500
156. dotcom9,500
157. AncientElg9,500
158. sarahtheduck9,500
159. zzzp9,500
160. mdwgame9,500
161. nitza9,000
162. QuickDraw9,000
163. spd9,000
164. kwoodnh8,666
165. kelan8,543
166. alpha_st3alth8,500
167. adas8,500
168. cstrauber7,150
169. Raineer6,856
170. BigTrouble6,660
171. hfike6,063
172. mythgard6,044
173. mescutia6,000
174. Chrispsharkwin5,500
175. heyitsdiggy5,444
176. David cgc5,379
177. jonathan5,062
178. lalalauren5,000
179. rosewoodrook5,000
180. agentjacob5,000
181. thunderkeys4,500
182. JorvikDave4,500
183. mantheron4,500
184. godofbiscuits4,481
185. ballookey4,095
186. scottisloud4,076
187. Haslemere4,000
188. siggy4,000
189. Iamtom3,590
190. iouge3,500
191. md233,500
192. ElectricElf3,500
193. krizzmp3,226
194. kyle3,190
195. TBalena3,132
196. natbudin3,110
197. mattparker3,056
198. eczarny3,020
199. BethH3,010
200. patch-a-moo3,000
201. jahaha3,000
202. CharlieB2,736
203. GreeneHood2,500
204. mattmurphy2,500
205. drquadfather2,500
206. clauricimo2,500
207. jasonlfunk2,220
208. DoubleToast2,040
209. bob2092,004
210. njpozner2,000
211. craigkocur2,000
212. florida1171,940
213. edwardloveall1,500
214. OldElephant661,500
215. SeventyAte1,500
216. JamesMcA1,500
217. akob1,500
218. notthesmartestguy1,500
219. InfoBunker1,000
220. justinfunk1,000
221. Deep River Dave1,000
222. Axodys1,000
223. dmoren1,000
224. theLoksta1,000
225. jennyb161,000
226. Nicktendo1,000
227. LCP1,000
228. QueenFlamingo500
229. mistermacdonald500
230. daph500
231. NuclearJon500
232. baknpk75500
233. chefraven500
234. Chuckpebble500
235. json500
236. jcoleman88500
237. c-had500
238. drewtheloud500
239. Jay500
240. Annadru500
241. Existopher500
242. queuebit500
243. marvelousgoats500
244. wafonso500
245. jdryan500
246. Tyger344
247. Garthicles0