
by Lex Friedman

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Six Appeal #238 Leaderboard

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Six Appeal #238 Leaderboard
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Rank Who Score Time
4 Unregistered Enthusiasts
5. greermama1554 46 seconds
6. glucas1532 1 minute, 8 seconds
3 Mysterious Solvers
10. sepcot1482 18 seconds
2 Mysterious Puzzlers
13. steev 👑1479 21 seconds
Secret Adventurer
15. holgr1474 26 seconds
16. juri1473 27 seconds
17. TomFrog1472 28 seconds
18. FredDuffle1472 28 seconds
19. CsRoss1471 29 seconds
8 Non-Paying Contestants
28. ggodwin1449 51 seconds
29. jrduncans1449 51 seconds
4 Unsubscribed Gamers
34. avidbeader1422 1 minute, 18 seconds
4 Anonymous Achievers
39. adamqp1388 1 minute, 52 seconds
2 Anonymous Victors
42. billo1383 17 seconds
3 Unknown Solvers
46. TX1010101377 23 seconds
Non-Paying Achiever
48. eltsac1374 26 seconds
Unidentified Thinker
50. sem1370 30 seconds
4 Non-Paying Explorers
55. Quam1356 44 seconds
56. dru891351 49 seconds
3 Non-Member Achievers
60. belehaa1348 52 seconds
Non-Paying Achiever
62. JeremyK1347 53 seconds
63. mdrichard051344 56 seconds
3 Unknown Enthusiasts
67. SoQueSera211337 2 minutes, 43 seconds
68. Diamond_Dog1336 1 minute, 4 seconds
2 Unsubscribed Achievers
71. natebeaty1333 1 minute, 7 seconds
15 Mysterious Riddlers
87. offput1297 1 minute, 43 seconds
8 Non-Member Contestants
96. Peter1253 47 seconds
2 Anonymous Enthusiasts
99. jsuttonmorse1251 49 seconds
2 Visiting Victors
102. krizzmp1242 2 minutes, 38 seconds
103. Stefferniek1235 2 minutes, 45 seconds
Mysterious Victor
105. reverendbink1232 2 minutes, 48 seconds
106. JudyC1230 2 minutes, 50 seconds
2 Unregistered Gamers
109. JSlo1217 1 minute, 23 seconds
9 Mystery Gamers
119. gregde1200 7 minutes, 41 seconds
7 Visiting Achievers
127. brian1178 2 minutes, 2 seconds
3 Anonymous Achievers
131. Frankybeenz1173 27 seconds
4 Unknown Thinkers
136. nrock22771160 40 seconds
2 Incognito Explorers
139. scottaw1150 50 seconds
5 Anonymous Gamers
145. rebecca1137 1 minute, 3 seconds
5 Incognito Contestants
151. kantgant1115 1 minute, 25 seconds
11 Stealth Victors
163. rlorenz1100 22 minutes, 3 seconds
9 Unidentified Puzzlers
173. leoncowle1033 1 minute, 7 seconds
3 Unregistered Gamers
177. Andrew Kemp1010 3 minutes, 10 seconds
6 Non-Member Puzzlers
184. Mark S985 1 minute, 55 seconds
2 Unknown Solvers
187. mrakes961 2 minutes, 19 seconds
188. tgarber95949 51 seconds
189. TRezendes946 2 minutes, 34 seconds
6 Secret Enthusiasts
196. k._pow904 1 minute, 36 seconds
6 Incognito Enthusiasts
203. bumblefett891 1 minute, 49 seconds
2 Unregistered Achievers
206. enigmadan848 52 seconds
2 Shadow Participants
209. SAT232821 2 minutes, 59 seconds
7 Undisclosed Enthusiasts
217. LSR700 12 minutes, 15 seconds
2 Undisclosed Contestants
220. Marcintosh642 58 seconds
Anonymous Challenger
222. calrdfl604 3 minutes, 16 seconds
9 Secret Strategists
232. coachwatson383 1 minute, 57 seconds
5 Unidentified Challengers