
by Lex Friedman

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Lexicogs #43 Leaderboard

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Lexicogs #43 Leaderboards
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Rank Who Time
Unsubscribed Enthusiast
2.raccoona 34 seconds
3 Stealth Challengers
6.otter 39 seconds
8 Mystery Riddlers
15.Swifty 46 seconds
2 Stealth Strategists
18.Dr. Ferrous 48 seconds
19.adamqp 49 seconds
14 Unidentified Contestants
34.tylerb 55 seconds
Non-Paying Riddler
36.Ianc 56 seconds
37.dmoren 57 seconds
3 Mystery Strategists
41.mdbaba 58 seconds
42.elkgirl 58 seconds
Unregistered Riddler
44.JeremyK 59 seconds
3 Non-Member Achievers
48.TomFrog 1 minute, 0 seconds
6 Unidentified Challengers
55.yitz 1 minute, 2 seconds
8 Shadow Riddlers
64.mrakes 1 minute, 4 seconds
2 Unsubscribed Enthusiasts
67.merlinthp 1 minute, 5 seconds
4 Anonymous Contestants
72.marramgrass 1 minute, 7 seconds
73.K^2 1 minute, 7 seconds
2 Unsubscribed Gamers
76.Bigmike 1 minute, 8 seconds
Undisclosed Competitor
78.John 1 minute, 9 seconds
79.aburtch 1 minute, 9 seconds
13 Secret Participants
93.stuart 1 minute, 16 seconds
5 Free Achievers
99.eiskrap 1 minute, 20 seconds
3 Mystery Competitors
103.joekissell 1 minute, 21 seconds
Hidden Riddler
105.billo 1 minute, 22 seconds
8 Mystery Adventurers
114.offput 1 minute, 27 seconds
3 Visiting Challengers
118.seanl 1 minute, 28 seconds
9 Anonymous Victors
128.peterk 1 minute, 31 seconds
7 Visiting Puzzlers
136.Graham O 1 minute, 34 seconds
2 Non-Member Competitors
139.JSlo 1 minute, 35 seconds
4 Mysterious Contestants
144.glucas 1 minute, 38 seconds
5 Mystery Enthusiasts
150.undercarbonated 👑 1 minute, 40 seconds
7 Visiting Gamers
158.Pdkoenig 1 minute, 45 seconds
8 Unsubscribed Competitors
167.agiletortoise 1 minute, 48 seconds
14 Unidentified Players
182.holgr 1 minute, 56 seconds
15 Non-Member Thinkers
198.scottaw 2 minutes, 4 seconds
3 Unidentified Enthusiasts
202.mclazarus 2 minutes, 7 seconds
7 Unregistered Participants
210.ned 2 minutes, 12 seconds
5 Free Adventurers
216.Andrew Kemp 2 minutes, 17 seconds
5 Hidden Strategists
222.dbergey 2 minutes, 22 seconds
14 Stealth Enthusiasts
237.bflock 2 minutes, 37 seconds
3 Mystery Victors
241.LaurenSKF 2 minutes, 46 seconds
18 Hidden Players
260.EmmaVB 3 minutes, 22 seconds
5 Anonymous Adventurers
266.yatil 3 minutes, 28 seconds
4 Incognito Enthusiasts
271.leoncowle 3 minutes, 38 seconds
14 Mystery Achievers
286.Dez 4 minutes, 3 seconds
287.AGS 4 minutes, 4 seconds
2 Visiting Enthusiasts
290.brian 4 minutes, 8 seconds
4 Unregistered Participants
295.mythgard 4 minutes, 33 seconds
38 Unregistered Competitors
334.BooBooBot 9 minutes, 50 seconds
Unidentified Strategist
336.nathanjliu 10 minutes, 20 seconds
337.mysterious1der 10 minutes, 20 seconds
3 Undisclosed Explorers
341.Grumpy 11 minutes, 10 seconds
4 Mystery Victors
346.timkingman 13 minutes, 5 seconds
2 Secret Gamers
349.lex 15 minutes, 13 seconds
8 Stealth Enthusiasts
358.jonny 1 hour, 6 minutes, 14 seconds
Unsubscribed Adventurer
360.Frankybeenz 1 hour, 13 minutes, 4 seconds
6 Anonymous Contestants