
by Lex Friedman

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Lexicogs #32 Leaderboard

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Lexicogs #32 Leaderboards
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Rank Who Time
Unknown Victor
2.Ani Friedman 24 seconds
Shadow Achiever
4.dmoren 26 seconds
5 Secret Challengers
10.timkingman 29 seconds
5 Stealth Adventurers
16.raccoona 31 seconds
9 Unregistered Solvers
26.EmmaVB 34 seconds
27.eltsac 34 seconds
28.nathanjliu 35 seconds
3 Secret Thinkers
32.eiskrap 36 seconds
33.marramgrass 36 seconds
2 Unknown Thinkers
36.BenRiceM 37 seconds
37.stuart 37 seconds
4 Free Enthusiasts
42.kricket5687 38 seconds
3 Incognito Adventurers
46.billo 39 seconds
47.seanl 39 seconds
48.JSlo 39 seconds
17 Unknown Challengers
66.Andrew Kemp 43 seconds
5 Unregistered Participants
72.mdbaba 44 seconds
73.tylerb 44 seconds
74.Grumpy 45 seconds
75.merlinthp 45 seconds
5 Undisclosed Riddlers
81.adamqp 46 seconds
18 Non-Paying Competitors
100.Jono 49 seconds
9 Unidentified Enthusiasts
110.LaurenSKF 50 seconds
7 Non-Member Participants
118.ned 51 seconds
18 Stealth Strategists
137.k._pow 54 seconds
4 Free Achievers
142.Dr. Ferrous 55 seconds
143.nibeck 55 seconds
3 Undisclosed Achievers
147.mrakes 56 seconds
6 Non-Paying Victors
154.jonny 57 seconds
41 Stealth Competitors
196.Ianc 1 minute, 6 seconds
197.AGS 1 minute, 6 seconds
6 Unidentified Adventurers
204.dbergey 1 minute, 8 seconds
13 Mystery Solvers
218.GrokTime 1 minute, 11 seconds
219.Frankybeenz 1 minute, 11 seconds
220.peterk 1 minute, 11 seconds
4 Undisclosed Victors
225.PhilStollery 1 minute, 12 seconds
26 Mysterious Riddlers
252.bflock 1 minute, 19 seconds
2 Mystery Enthusiasts
255.Millon 1 minute, 20 seconds
Secret Riddler
257.godofbiscuits 1 minute, 21 seconds
9 Unsubscribed Enthusiasts
267.mattbirchler 1 minute, 24 seconds
6 Visiting Participants
274.mythgard 1 minute, 27 seconds
19 Visiting Contestants
294.scottaw 1 minute, 32 seconds
19 Non-Member Enthusiasts
314.kelan 1 minute, 45 seconds
3 Non-Member Contestants
318.TomFrog 1 minute, 51 seconds
3 Non-Member Enthusiasts
322.joekissell 1 minute, 53 seconds
323.JReed 1 minute, 54 seconds
20 Stealth Riddlers
344.Dez 2 minutes, 18 seconds
5 Unsubscribed Participants
350.JeremyK 👑 2 minutes, 22 seconds
2 Free Achievers
353.Essiek55 2 minutes, 27 seconds
6 Hidden Participants
360.BooBooBot 2 minutes, 43 seconds
11 Mystery Competitors
372.jswright61 3 minutes, 8 seconds
24 Unknown Victors
397.offput 8 minutes, 56 seconds
6 Shadow Participants
404.aburtch 38 minutes, 40 seconds
2 Unregistered Solvers