
by Lex Friedman

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Lexicogs #32 Leaderboard

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Lexicogs #32 Leaderboards
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Rank Who Time
Non-Member Participant
2.Ani Friedman 24 seconds
Visiting Contestant
4.dmoren 26 seconds
5 Non-Member Challengers
10.timkingman 29 seconds
2 Unregistered Achievers
13.raccoona 31 seconds
9 Free Participants
23.EmmaVB 34 seconds
24.nathanjliu 35 seconds
2 Unknown Participants
27.eiskrap 36 seconds
28.marramgrass 36 seconds
2 Non-Member Contestants
31.BenRiceM 37 seconds
32.stuart 37 seconds
6 Undisclosed Strategists
39.billo 39 seconds
40.seanl 39 seconds
41.JSlo 39 seconds
15 Non-Member Contestants
57.Andrew Kemp 43 seconds
4 Secret Victors
62.mdbaba 44 seconds
63.tylerb 44 seconds
64.Grumpy 45 seconds
65.merlinthp 45 seconds
5 Non-Member Enthusiasts
71.adamqp 46 seconds
18 Unknown Players
90.Jono 49 seconds
9 Unsubscribed Explorers
100.LaurenSKF 50 seconds
7 Secret Gamers
108.ned 51 seconds
20 Incognito Riddlers
129.Dr. Ferrous 55 seconds
3 Mysterious Contestants
133.mrakes 56 seconds
6 Mysterious Competitors
140.jonny 57 seconds
41 Free Explorers
182.Ianc 1 minute, 6 seconds
183.AGS 1 minute, 6 seconds
5 Unregistered Solvers
189.dbergey 1 minute, 8 seconds
12 Unidentified Riddlers
202.GrokTime 1 minute, 11 seconds
203.Frankybeenz 1 minute, 11 seconds
204.peterk 1 minute, 11 seconds
3 Unregistered Achievers
208.PhilStollery 1 minute, 12 seconds
26 Hidden Adventurers
235.bflock 1 minute, 19 seconds
2 Unknown Contestants
238.Millon 1 minute, 20 seconds
Free Victor
240.godofbiscuits 1 minute, 21 seconds
8 Unknown Challengers
249.mattbirchler 1 minute, 24 seconds
6 Unsubscribed Riddlers
256.mythgard 1 minute, 27 seconds
19 Unsubscribed Participants
276.scottaw 1 minute, 32 seconds
19 Secret Players
296.kelan 1 minute, 45 seconds
3 Unsubscribed Strategists
300.TomFrog 1 minute, 51 seconds
2 Free Puzzlers
303.joekissell 1 minute, 53 seconds
304.JReed 1 minute, 54 seconds
20 Hidden Adventurers
325.Dez 2 minutes, 18 seconds
4 Mystery Challengers
330.JeremyK 👑 2 minutes, 22 seconds
2 Visiting Enthusiasts
333.Essiek55 2 minutes, 27 seconds
6 Shadow Enthusiasts
340.BooBooBot 2 minutes, 43 seconds
10 Unidentified Solvers
351.jswright61 3 minutes, 8 seconds
22 Free Participants
374.offput 8 minutes, 56 seconds
6 Unsubscribed Participants
381.aburtch 38 minutes, 40 seconds
Incognito Enthusiast