
by Lex Friedman

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Conlextions #525 Leaderboard

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Conlextions #525 Leaderboards
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Rank Who Turns Time Hints
1.SisterBesties! 4 8 seconds3
2.k._pow4 20 seconds0
11 Hidden Puzzlers
14.zenwheel4 32 seconds0
15.sepcot4 33 seconds0
16.giromide4 36 seconds0
5 Visiting Adventurers
22.Swifty4 38 seconds0
4 Unknown Achievers
27.Peter4 41 seconds0
5 Unregistered Participants
33.ggodwin4 43 seconds0
2 Visiting Participants
36.wixardy4 44 seconds0
2 Mystery Adventurers
39.Marcintosh4 45 seconds0
40.mdrichard054 45 seconds0
5 Visiting Puzzlers
46.jrduncans4 49 seconds0
6 Unregistered Competitors
53.marshally4 52 seconds0
34 Unidentified Victors
88.Spol4 1 minute, 41 seconds0
5 Unidentified Victors
94.stuart4 1 minute, 48 seconds0
95.eltsac4 1 minute, 50 seconds0
96.Quam4 1 minute, 51 seconds0
7 Free Achievers
104.coachwatson4 2 minutes, 15 seconds0
6 Unknown Players
111.Bigmike4 2 minutes, 55 seconds0
Mystery Adventurer
113.timkingman4 3 minutes, 5 seconds0
2 Hidden Adventurers
116.sarahtheduck4 3 minutes, 16 seconds0
117.MrMumbly4 3 minutes, 21 seconds0
5 Mystery Adventurers
123.iamyourrobot4 5 minutes, 22 seconds0
124.TomFrog4 5 minutes, 27 seconds0
5 Mystery Contestants
130.Frankybeenz4 9 hours, 30 minutes, 21 seconds0
131.peterk5 33 seconds0
Non-Paying Contestant
133.sem5 36 seconds0
Hidden Enthusiast
135.jonny5 41 seconds0
2 Mystery Adventurers
138.JSlo5 45 seconds0
23 Anonymous Competitors
162.kantgant5 1 minute, 16 seconds0
7 Unidentified Victors
170.holgr 👑5 1 minute, 32 seconds0
4 Unsubscribed Competitors
175.robbinamsterdam5 1 minute, 49 seconds1
17 Incognito Competitors
193.natebeaty5 4 minutes, 11 seconds0
Incognito Thinker
195.rlivsey5 5 minutes, 45 seconds0
6 Unidentified Participants
202.gregde6 33 seconds0
4 Unidentified Contestants
207.Diamond_Dog6 50 seconds0
Hidden Thinker
209.JonathanB6 1 minute, 5 seconds0
210.dbergey6 1 minute, 6 seconds0
211.alistairlee6 1 minute, 9 seconds0
212.JudyC6 1 minute, 12 seconds0
2 Anonymous Players
215.juska6 1 minute, 27 seconds0
3 Anonymous Strategists
219.helbonikster6 1 minute, 42 seconds0
4 Mystery Riddlers
224.Birdie6 1 minute, 56 seconds0
29 Mystery Thinkers
254.CsRoss7 53 seconds0
2 Mystery Players
257.jc_cam7 57 seconds0
2 Visiting Riddlers
260.spd7 1 minute, 5 seconds0
9 Stealth Thinkers
270.krizzmp7 1 minute, 19 seconds0
7 Undisclosed Strategists
278.rlorenz7 1 minute, 31 seconds0
Unknown Victor
280.almostrecesstime7 1 minute, 43 seconds0
3 Unidentified Victors
284.JeremyK7 1 minute, 49 seconds0
13 Free Explorers
298.HMSeh7 3 minutes, 21 seconds0
Visiting Competitor
300.Andrew Kemp7 3 minutes, 34 seconds0
9 Stealth Players
310.TX1010107 6 minutes, 49 seconds0
5 Undisclosed Challengers
316.notthesmartestguy7 5 hours, 43 minutes, 34 seconds0
4 Hidden Solvers
321.mccllstr8 51 seconds0
11 Secret Achievers
333.ilcdan8 1 minute, 37 seconds0
21 Visiting Players
355.offput8 3 minutes, 4 seconds0
356.stefp8 3 minutes, 15 seconds0
16 Secret Puzzlers
373.nrock22779 56 seconds3
2 Mysterious Victors
376.shelle82m9 1 minute, 6 seconds0
9 Non-Member Adventurers
386.bumblefett9 1 minute, 36 seconds0
11 Hidden Puzzlers
398.celldaws9 5 minutes, 6 seconds0
10 Unknown Riddlers
409.MCC71610 47 seconds0
2 Mystery Players
412.greermama10 1 minute, 16 seconds1
2 Free Participants
415.calrdfl10 1 minute, 35 seconds0
46 Unidentified Contestants
462.enigmadan12 42 seconds0
4 Hidden Puzzlers
467.FredDuffle12 2 minutes, 0 seconds0
20 Unidentified Thinkers
488.mythgard13 2 minutes, 32 seconds3
6 Unidentified Victors
495.chancerubbage13 4 minutes, 6 seconds2
3 Stealth Puzzlers
499.trewin14 1 minute, 42 seconds0
8 Visiting Gamers
508.Mark S14 4 minutes, 38 seconds0
6 Unidentified Victors
515.jsuttonmorse15 2 minutes, 27 seconds0
11 Unidentified Riddlers
527.Dez16 2 minutes, 27 seconds0
4 Secret Contestants
532.scottaw17 3 minutes, 0 seconds0
5 Incognito Solvers
538.LSR18 3 minutes, 6 seconds0
3 Stealth Thinkers
542.UncleJoe19 1 minute, 45 seconds1
5 Mysterious Thinkers
548.onePageAtATime20 4 minutes, 34 seconds0
3 Unregistered Solvers
552.bwhough22 1 minute, 0 seconds0
553.tgarber9522 1 minute, 30 seconds14
2 Free Enthusiasts
556.AliW22 2 minutes, 3 seconds3
16 Hidden Achievers
573.ascidiacea27 14 minutes, 9 seconds0
4 Unregistered Victors
578.Ulnagar30 3 minutes, 12 seconds0
10 Hidden Thinkers
589.sjcarter@mac.com39 13 minutes, 49 seconds1
4 Non-Paying Riddlers