
by Lex Friedman

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Conlextions #524 Leaderboard

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Conlextions #524 Leaderboards
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Rank Who Turns Time Hints
1.SisterBesties! 4 9 seconds3
3 Stealth Puzzlers
5.Peter4 32 seconds0
6.wixardy4 33 seconds0
7.peterk4 33 seconds0
8.offput4 33 seconds0
2 Free Participants
11.JSlo4 34 seconds0
2 Non-Member Adventurers
14.zenwheel 👑4 37 seconds0
15.k._pow4 37 seconds0
4 Visiting Enthusiasts
20.hi_howareyou4 39 seconds0
18 Stealth Explorers
39.KJToo4 49 seconds0
Stealth Victor
41.Andrew Kemp4 50 seconds0
42.robbinamsterdam4 50 seconds0
6 Hidden Adventurers
49.giromide4 52 seconds0
4 Unknown Riddlers
54.aburtch4 54 seconds0
55.Swifty4 54 seconds0
56.AliW4 54 seconds0
8 Incognito Competitors
65.Bigmike4 56 seconds0
2 Stealth Solvers
68.Spol4 57 seconds0
4 Undisclosed Explorers
73.mattbirchler4 59 seconds0
4 Hidden Strategists
78.bumblefett4 1 minute, 1 second0
79.jrduncans4 1 minute, 1 second0
6 Anonymous Solvers
86.jsnell4 1 minute, 5 seconds0
6 Visiting Enthusiasts
93.Quam4 1 minute, 9 seconds0
94.ggodwin4 1 minute, 10 seconds0
7 Unsubscribed Solvers
102.MsKinNJ4 1 minute, 12 seconds0
103.chancerubbage4 1 minute, 12 seconds0
10 Free Contestants
114.alistairlee4 1 minute, 19 seconds0
4 Non-Member Explorers
119.otter4 1 minute, 22 seconds0
8 Hidden Contestants
128.Marcintosh4 1 minute, 25 seconds0
129.mdrichard054 1 minute, 25 seconds0
5 Non-Paying Strategists
135.liqrtech4 1 minute, 30 seconds0
21 Unidentified Gamers
157.ascidiacea4 1 minute, 50 seconds0
158.mandli4 1 minute, 54 seconds0
5 Unknown Players
164.billo4 2 minutes, 9 seconds0
14 Non-Paying Strategists
179.iamyourrobot4 2 minutes, 48 seconds0
Mystery Explorer
181.natebeaty4 2 minutes, 51 seconds0
Incognito Victor
183.LSR4 2 minutes, 55 seconds0
15 Secret Competitors
199.cliff5384 3 minutes, 34 seconds2
9 Free Participants
209.TomFrog4 6 minutes, 11 seconds0
19 Unidentified Explorers
229.Frankybeenz5 49 seconds0
230.trewin5 51 seconds0
2 Unsubscribed Victors
233.dbergey5 59 seconds0
234.timkingman5 1 minute, 0 seconds0
5 Shadow Riddlers
240.shelle82m5 1 minute, 5 seconds0
3 Undisclosed Competitors
244.rlorenz5 1 minute, 7 seconds0
9 Non-Member Gamers
254.kantgant5 1 minute, 22 seconds0
2 Unknown Enthusiasts
257.FredDuffle5 1 minute, 24 seconds0
3 Unknown Challengers
261.TX1010105 1 minute, 32 seconds0
13 Mystery Riddlers
275.HMSeh5 1 minute, 50 seconds0
6 Non-Paying Players
282.sarahtheduck5 2 minutes, 12 seconds1
283.stuart5 2 minutes, 13 seconds0
5 Unregistered Enthusiasts
289.Mark S5 3 minutes, 8 seconds0
4 Mystery Enthusiasts
294.rlivsey5 3 minutes, 48 seconds0
10 Anonymous Competitors
305.Egg5 7 minutes, 4 seconds0
2 Free Participants
308.MrMumbly5 12 minutes, 11 seconds0
6 Mysterious Riddlers
315.coachwatson5 8 hours, 10 minutes, 41 seconds0
2 Non-Paying Thinkers
318.elkgirl6 1 minute, 2 seconds0
3 Stealth Puzzlers
322.GSStamas6 1 minute, 10 seconds0
Incognito Enthusiast
324.eltsac6 1 minute, 17 seconds0
20 Unknown Adventurers
345.greermama6 2 minutes, 23 seconds2
Shadow Enthusiast
347.mythgard6 2 minutes, 47 seconds0
10 Stealth Players
358.sepcot6 5 minutes, 9 seconds0
11 Free Puzzlers
370.sem7 49 seconds0
6 Mystery Players
377.jonny7 1 minute, 33 seconds0
Visiting Enthusiast
379.spd7 1 minute, 38 seconds0
Unknown Achiever
381.helbonikster7 1 minute, 40 seconds0
5 Free Enthusiasts
387.krizzmp7 1 minute, 53 seconds0
11 Non-Member Enthusiasts
399.charlesa7 3 minutes, 35 seconds0
12 Undisclosed Riddlers
412.Ulnagar8 1 minute, 14 seconds0
5 Incognito Gamers
418.Dez8 1 minute, 28 seconds0
6 Unknown Challengers
425.juska8 2 minutes, 17 seconds0
426.marshally8 2 minutes, 18 seconds0
5 Unsubscribed Contestants
432.Amj5018 2 minutes, 34 seconds0
433.CsRoss8 2 minutes, 51 seconds0
434.Birdie8 2 minutes, 52 seconds0
5 Unregistered Gamers
440.JudyC8 11 minutes, 15 seconds3
2 Secret Participants
443.sjcarter@mac.com9 56 seconds0
2 Unsubscribed Challengers
446.gregde9 1 minute, 17 seconds0
2 Unknown Enthusiasts
449.nrock22779 1 minute, 37 seconds4
Incognito Solver
451.scottaw9 1 minute, 44 seconds0
9 Shadow Contestants
461.holgr10 1 minute, 10 seconds3
2 Unidentified Contestants
464.mccllstr10 1 minute, 46 seconds0
4 Mystery Adventurers
469.jsuttonmorse10 2 minutes, 24 seconds0
470.eiskrap10 2 minutes, 27 seconds2
9 Unsubscribed Thinkers
480.tgarber9511 46 seconds0
3 Unknown Strategists
484.engilbertson11 1 minute, 38 seconds1
13 Non-Member Achievers
498.JonathanB12 3 minutes, 49 seconds0
3 Hidden Challengers
502.UncleJoe13 1 minute, 41 seconds0
2 Mysterious Adventurers
505.PhilStollery13 1 minute, 57 seconds0
7 Mysterious Thinkers
513.onePageAtATime14 1 minute, 36 seconds0
19 Incognito Victors
533.leoncowle16 1 minute, 49 seconds0
6 Stealth Participants
540.bwhough17 1 minute, 51 seconds0
Unsubscribed Thinker
542.JeremyK17 3 minutes, 24 seconds0
4 Incognito Gamers
547.jc_cam18 2 minutes, 29 seconds0
3 Visiting Participants
551.enigmadan19 1 minute, 21 seconds0
5 Mystery Thinkers
557.MCC71621 2 minutes, 25 seconds2
28 Non-Paying Players