
by Lex Friedman

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Conlextions #518 Leaderboard

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Conlextions #518 Leaderboards
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Rank Who Turns Time Hints
Unknown Competitor
2.SisterBesties! 4 14 seconds3
3.mdrichard054 31 seconds0
2 Hidden Players
6.zenwheel 👑4 35 seconds0
2 Unknown Contestants
9.rlivsey4 38 seconds0
10.alloc4 39 seconds0
Shadow Challenger
12.TX1010104 44 seconds0
2 Stealth Victors
15.JonathanB4 46 seconds0
6 Incognito Explorers
22.jonny4 50 seconds0
5 Stealth Adventurers
28.FredDuffle4 54 seconds0
Anonymous Player
30.LSR4 55 seconds0
2 Anonymous Strategists
33.sarahtheduck4 57 seconds0
3 Stealth Explorers
37.joekissell4 1 minute, 2 seconds0
38.k._pow4 1 minute, 2 seconds0
39.eltsac4 1 minute, 3 seconds0
40.greermama4 1 minute, 3 seconds0
2 Non-Member Explorers
43.calrdfl4 1 minute, 7 seconds0
10 Undisclosed Explorers
54.JSlo4 1 minute, 20 seconds0
7 Unsubscribed Achievers
62.Quam4 1 minute, 27 seconds0
Non-Paying Achiever
64.ilcdan4 1 minute, 31 seconds0
5 Incognito Enthusiasts
70.charlesa4 1 minute, 37 seconds0
3 Visiting Thinkers
74.giromide4 1 minute, 44 seconds0
3 Unsubscribed Contestants
78.jrduncans4 1 minute, 46 seconds0
6 Non-Paying Adventurers
85.sjcarter@mac.com4 2 minutes, 4 seconds0
2 Mystery Thinkers
88.holgr4 2 minutes, 6 seconds1
2 Hidden Strategists
91.stuart4 2 minutes, 12 seconds0
5 Hidden Gamers
97.eiskrap4 2 minutes, 34 seconds3
22 Hidden Solvers
120.natebeaty4 3 minutes, 40 seconds0
22 Shadow Victors
143.spd4 9 minutes, 5 seconds0
3 Undisclosed Achievers
147.MrMumbly4 15 minutes, 12 seconds0
Secret Thinker
149.TomFrog4 20 minutes, 6 seconds0
Unidentified Player
151.helbonikster4 42 minutes, 22 seconds0
152.Bigmike4 50 minutes, 51 seconds0
5 Visiting Achievers
158.aburtch5 40 seconds0
4 Non-Paying Thinkers
163.gregde5 58 seconds0
21 Mystery Gamers
185.notthesmartestguy5 1 minute, 24 seconds0
3 Secret Enthusiasts
189.coachwatson5 1 minute, 29 seconds4
2 Unidentified Challengers
192.ggodwin5 1 minute, 33 seconds0
193.sepcot5 1 minute, 37 seconds0
3 Undisclosed Challengers
197.wixardy5 1 minute, 41 seconds0
11 Visiting Thinkers
209.kantgant5 2 minutes, 4 seconds0
3 Mystery Riddlers
213.shelle82m5 2 minutes, 13 seconds2
11 Visiting Gamers
225.bumblefett5 2 minutes, 46 seconds0
Mysterious Explorer
227.dbergey5 2 minutes, 47 seconds0
10 Hidden Contestants
238.Mark S5 3 minutes, 23 seconds0
2 Visiting Puzzlers
241.otter5 3 minutes, 35 seconds1
4 Visiting Contestants
246.stefp5 4 minutes, 11 seconds2
29 Unregistered Players
276.hi_howareyou5 36 hours, 1 minute, 12 seconds0
3 Non-Member Explorers
280.JeremyK6 52 seconds0
281.ACSlater6 59 seconds0
4 Stealth Solvers
286.JudyC6 1 minute, 12 seconds0
6 Stealth Challengers
293.hiatb6 1 minute, 35 seconds0
22 Unregistered Puzzlers
316.Andrew Kemp6 3 minutes, 32 seconds0
Non-Member Adventurer
318.leoncowle6 3 minutes, 51 seconds0
7 Mystery Participants
326.CsRoss6 7 minutes, 5 seconds0
8 Unregistered Participants
335.liqrtech6 1 hour, 32 minutes, 2 seconds0
13 Unidentified Contestants
349.AliW7 1 minute, 22 seconds2
Non-Paying Enthusiast
351.Diamond_Dog7 1 minute, 25 seconds0
6 Unsubscribed Gamers
358.chancerubbage7 1 minute, 54 seconds0
Unsubscribed Challenger
360.jsuttonmorse7 2 minutes, 5 seconds0
5 Undisclosed Adventurers
366.eczarny7 2 minutes, 22 seconds5
2 Secret Adventurers
369.robbinamsterdam7 2 minutes, 31 seconds4
2 Undisclosed Contestants
372.Birdie7 2 minutes, 47 seconds0
373.mythgard7 2 minutes, 49 seconds4
Unknown Achiever
375.Marcintosh7 3 minutes, 17 seconds0
3 Free Strategists
379.juska7 4 minutes, 8 seconds0
23 Anonymous Victors
403.enigmadan8 1 minute, 36 seconds0
9 Unknown Participants
413.scottaw8 2 minutes, 52 seconds0
6 Visiting Solvers
420.Nathan B8 4 minutes, 0 seconds0
421.Kittypye8 5 minutes, 5 seconds0
12 Unsubscribed Thinkers
434.nibeck8 94 hours, 9 minutes, 43 seconds1
Hidden Riddler
436.DaveH9 1 minute, 38 seconds0
2 Unidentified Players
439.peterk9 1 minute, 52 seconds0
4 Visiting Thinkers
444.HMSeh9 2 minutes, 35 seconds0
17 Undisclosed Explorers
462.sem10 1 minute, 56 seconds0
3 Unregistered Contestants
466.marshally10 2 minutes, 42 seconds0
467.rlorenz10 3 minutes, 48 seconds1
11 Unsubscribed Explorers
479.Swifty11 1 minute, 38 seconds0
13 Shadow Thinkers
493.Barry12 2 minutes, 42 seconds0
16 Visiting Challengers
510.MCC71613 2 minutes, 0 seconds1
18 Hidden Participants
529.bwhough15 1 minute, 3 seconds0
530.tgarber9515 1 minute, 13 seconds3
Stealth Competitor
532.reaganmesser15 1 minute, 30 seconds3
14 Hidden Puzzlers
547.pickwick16 3 minutes, 57 seconds0
7 Stealth Challengers
555.liorzoë17 4 minutes, 13 seconds0
5 Mysterious Gamers
561.Ulnagar18 6 minutes, 59 seconds0
3 Undisclosed Participants
565.Dez19 2 minutes, 15 seconds0
5 Unidentified Adventurers
571.iamyourrobot20 11 minutes, 35 seconds0
9 Secret Achievers
581.offput25 2 minutes, 10 seconds0
2 Unidentified Challengers
584.Deep River Dave25 8 minutes, 4 seconds0
11 Shadow Achievers
596.UncleJoe34 7 minutes, 5 seconds0
3 Shadow Gamers
600.trewin38 1 minute, 56 seconds0
Hidden Achiever
602.BooBooBot47 1 minute, 23 seconds0
Incognito Thinker