
by Lex Friedman

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Conlextions #451 Leaderboard

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Conlextions #451 Leaderboards
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Rank Who Turns Time Hints
Unsubscribed Puzzler
2.steev4 31 seconds0
3.Diamond_Dog4 32 seconds0
3 Free Victors
7.zenwheel4 35 seconds0
8.giromide4 35 seconds0
4 Free Achievers
13.aburtch4 37 seconds0
5 Visiting Adventurers
19.Andrew Kemp4 41 seconds0
5 Secret Gamers
25.sem4 44 seconds0
3 Unknown Contestants
29.Ianc4 46 seconds0
Non-Paying Puzzler
31.enigmadan4 47 seconds0
32.mccllstr4 49 seconds0
2 Non-Member Participants
35.rlivsey4 51 seconds0
Stealth Participant
37.FredDuffle4 51 seconds3
6 Non-Paying Puzzlers
44.eiskrap4 54 seconds0
Unknown Competitor
46.Peter4 55 seconds0
4 Incognito Competitors
51.bumblefett4 58 seconds0
6 Non-Member Challengers
58.billo4 1 minute, 1 second0
59.peterk4 1 minute, 1 second0
60.chrisoverzero4 1 minute, 2 seconds0
61.juska4 1 minute, 2 seconds0
2 Unsubscribed Puzzlers
64.jrduncans4 1 minute, 3 seconds0
6 Stealth Strategists
71.krizzmp4 1 minute, 5 seconds0
4 Hidden Enthusiasts
76.AliW4 1 minute, 8 seconds0
3 Non-Paying Thinkers
80.JSlo4 1 minute, 11 seconds0
3 Mysterious Puzzlers
84.adamqp4 1 minute, 15 seconds0
2 Non-Paying Contestants
87.joekissell4 1 minute, 17 seconds0
3 Mysterious Competitors
91.Quam4 1 minute, 19 seconds0
13 Secret Participants
105.Bigmike4 1 minute, 26 seconds0
106.UncleJoe4 1 minute, 26 seconds0
7 Anonymous Competitors
114.iamyourrobot4 1 minute, 34 seconds0
Non-Paying Challenger
116.ggodwin4 1 minute, 35 seconds0
3 Incognito Participants
120.GSStamas4 1 minute, 37 seconds0
6 Unregistered Challengers
127.natebeaty4 1 minute, 39 seconds0
7 Unknown Adventurers
135.nertzy4 1 minute, 48 seconds0
Mysterious Strategist
137.rlorenz4 1 minute, 49 seconds0
5 Unsubscribed Enthusiasts
143.Amj5014 2 minutes, 4 seconds0
2 Unregistered Adventurers
146.JudyC4 2 minutes, 8 seconds0
9 Stealth Challengers
156.robbinamsterdam4 2 minutes, 28 seconds0
3 Visiting Contestants
160.gknauss4 2 minutes, 37 seconds0
Incognito Contestant
162.helbonikster4 2 minutes, 43 seconds0
5 Free Puzzlers
168.haugen4 3 minutes, 2 seconds0
11 Unidentified Challengers
180.MrMumbly4 4 minutes, 46 seconds0
181.kantgant4 4 minutes, 47 seconds0
14 Mysterious Victors
196.nibeck4 45 hours, 30 minutes, 49 seconds0
197.mdrichard05 5 22 seconds0
5 Visiting Puzzlers
203.Frankybeenz5 1 minute, 0 seconds0
10 Unsubscribed Achievers
214.belehaa5 1 minute, 15 seconds0
5 Visiting Puzzlers
220.eltsac5 1 minute, 28 seconds0
5 Unsubscribed Contestants
226.offput5 1 minute, 34 seconds0
5 Unknown Contestants
232.TX1010105 1 minute, 51 seconds0
4 Unsubscribed Strategists
237.Mark S5 1 minute, 58 seconds0
Stealth Player
239.CsRoss5 2 minutes, 4 seconds0
240.rebecca5 2 minutes, 6 seconds0
13 Visiting Players
254.greermama5 2 minutes, 59 seconds4
4 Free Contestants
259.wixardy5 4 minutes, 11 seconds0
2 Incognito Strategists
262.leoncowle5 5 minutes, 42 seconds0
4 Secret Riddlers
267.TomFrog5 9 minutes, 13 seconds0
8 Undisclosed Achievers
276.jonny6 47 seconds0
4 Non-Paying Contestants
281.Marcintosh6 1 minute, 25 seconds0
3 Non-Member Thinkers
285.dru896 1 minute, 43 seconds0
2 Free Strategists
288.charlesa6 2 minutes, 5 seconds0
3 Stealth Gamers
292.HMSeh6 2 minutes, 25 seconds0
7 Non-Paying Enthusiasts
300.glucas6 4 minutes, 2 seconds0
Stealth Enthusiast
302.calrdfl6 6 minutes, 0 seconds0
14 Free Achievers
317.bflock7 2 minutes, 18 seconds0
2 Anonymous Puzzlers
320.stefp7 2 minutes, 37 seconds0
14 Visiting Strategists
335.k._pow8 1 minute, 3 seconds0
3 Stealth Contestants
339.scottaw8 1 minute, 25 seconds0
Free Challenger
341.dbergey8 1 minute, 32 seconds0
342.elkgirl8 1 minute, 38 seconds0
8 Incognito Riddlers
351.chancerubbage8 4 minutes, 13 seconds2
21 Stealth Participants
373.gregde9 2 minutes, 11 seconds0
8 Secret Achievers
382.holgr 👑10 1 minute, 28 seconds6
2 Unregistered Participants
385.stuart10 1 minute, 34 seconds0
386.pmele10 1 minute, 40 seconds0
387.tgarber9510 1 minute, 52 seconds4
5 Anonymous Players
393.Chrismenezes11 1 minute, 3 seconds0
5 Anonymous Contestants
399.Barry11 2 minutes, 0 seconds0
9 Unsubscribed Contestants
409.quailman11 5 minutes, 32 seconds0
410.Stefferniek12 48 seconds0
Undisclosed Solver
412.trewin12 1 minute, 8 seconds0
25 Unknown Strategists
438.jsuttonmorse13 2 minutes, 23 seconds1
5 Anonymous Riddlers
444.Dez14 1 minute, 33 seconds0
8 Hidden Players
453.MCC71616 54 seconds0
3 Incognito Contestants
457.adamadam16 1 minute, 38 seconds0
8 Non-Paying Gamers
466.coachwatson17 1 minute, 16 seconds0
3 Mystery Enthusiasts
470.sepcot17 2 minutes, 25 seconds0
471.mandli17 2 minutes, 34 seconds0
11 Visiting Participants
483.ilcdan19 2 minutes, 51 seconds1
484.JeremyK19 3 minutes, 58 seconds2
9 Non-Paying Achievers
494.SAT23222 2 minutes, 52 seconds2
11 Non-Member Contestants
506.JonathanB27 3 minutes, 23 seconds0
Undisclosed Thinker
508.LSR29 1 minute, 42 seconds0
2 Non-Paying Achievers
511.bwhough33 1 minute, 25 seconds0
5 Incognito Competitors