
by Lex Friedman

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Conlextions #284 Leaderboard

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Conlextions #284 Leaderboards
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Rank Who Turns Time Hints
1.dmoren 4 20 seconds0
5 Stealth Explorers
7.JeremyK4 34 seconds0
8.AliW4 35 seconds0
9.Amj5014 39 seconds0
3 Mysterious Thinkers
13.trewin4 40 seconds0
14.mrakes4 42 seconds0
Non-Member Solver
16.timkingman4 49 seconds0
17.avidbeader4 49 seconds0
8 Non-Paying Gamers
26.leoncowle4 55 seconds0
3 Hidden Thinkers
30.TX1010104 1 minute, 1 second0
31.eiskrap4 1 minute, 4 seconds0
2 Visiting Enthusiasts
34.ballookey4 1 minute, 9 seconds0
Mystery Riddler
36.rlivsey4 1 minute, 19 seconds0
Free Solver
38.joekissell4 1 minute, 22 seconds0
39.TRezendes4 1 minute, 22 seconds0
Non-Member Player
41.steev4 1 minute, 24 seconds0
3 Unidentified Solvers
45.glucas4 1 minute, 33 seconds0
7 Undisclosed Challengers
53.Marylyn4 2 minutes, 10 seconds0
8 Mysterious Enthusiasts
62.stuart4 4 minutes, 43 seconds0
4 Unsubscribed Adventurers
67.billo4 8 minutes, 20 seconds0
68.kelan4 9 minutes, 3 seconds1
69.adamqp4 10 minutes, 36 seconds0
Secret Thinker
71.K^24 17 minutes, 44 seconds0
2 Stealth Gamers
74.Quam4 10 hours, 14 minutes, 14 seconds0
75.hryscan4 15 hours, 11 minutes, 35 seconds0
6 Free Competitors
82.Ani Friedman5 33 seconds0
83.dixonm55 34 seconds0
Non-Paying Victor
85.mattparker5 37 seconds0
Unsubscribed Thinker
87.jonny5 40 seconds0
7 Hidden Gamers
95.Diamond_Dog5 46 seconds0
4 Incognito Achievers
100.sepcot5 50 seconds0
2 Mystery Contestants
103.aburtch5 53 seconds0
3 Unknown Gamers
107.laurengsnell5 1 minute, 0 seconds0
7 Unsubscribed Solvers
115.ACM5 1 minute, 7 seconds0
Unregistered Thinker
117.robbinamsterdam5 1 minute, 8 seconds0
2 Visiting Achievers
120.Dez5 1 minute, 9 seconds0
6 Anonymous Thinkers
127.plantbasedrobot5 1 minute, 28 seconds0
4 Unregistered Solvers
132.MsKinNJ5 1 minute, 34 seconds0
12 Hidden Participants
145.CsRoss5 2 minutes, 46 seconds0
Unsubscribed Enthusiast
147.Andrew Kemp5 3 minutes, 20 seconds0
Mysterious Explorer
149.rebecca5 3 minutes, 45 seconds1
9 Non-Member Riddlers
159.otter5 9 hours, 13 minutes, 57 seconds0
13 Non-Paying Achievers
173.ACSlater6 54 seconds0
16 Visiting Adventurers
190.scottaw6 1 minute, 18 seconds0
3 Unidentified Strategists
194.rsfinn6 1 minute, 23 seconds0
195.rlorenz6 1 minute, 25 seconds0
4 Incognito Adventurers
200.drikosuave6 1 minute, 37 seconds0
2 Non-Member Riddlers
203.kwoodnh6 1 minute, 50 seconds0
3 Undisclosed Players
207.bumblefett6 2 minutes, 4 seconds0
17 Secret Achievers
225.yitz6 3 minutes, 45 seconds0
3 Mystery Contestants
229.Bigmike6 4 minutes, 18 seconds0
6 Unidentified Adventurers
236.Grover9246 6 minutes, 23 seconds1
2 Mysterious Contestants
239.leehadassin6 18 minutes, 58 seconds0
10 Visiting Thinkers
250.bwhough7 43 seconds0
Stealth Thinker
252.EmmaVB7 45 seconds0
253.kim7 45 seconds0
2 Unidentified Adventurers
256.Swifty7 53 seconds0
Incognito Solver
258.nibeck7 57 seconds0
259.FredDuffle7 59 seconds0
12 Free Enthusiasts
272.dbergey7 1 minute, 16 seconds0
Stealth Victor
274.tallparks7 1 minute, 16 seconds2
14 Undisclosed Enthusiasts
289.mccllstr7 1 minute, 37 seconds0
Visiting Competitor
291.Ianc7 1 minute, 40 seconds0
3 Unidentified Puzzlers
295.PhilStollery7 1 minute, 51 seconds0
8 Anonymous Adventurers
304.AGS7 2 minutes, 12 seconds0
5 Hidden Strategists
310.natbudin7 2 minutes, 29 seconds0
25 Anonymous Explorers
336.Pahonix7 22 hours, 23 minutes, 49 seconds0
Free Riddler
338.natebeaty7 23 hours, 57 minutes, 54 seconds0
2 Incognito Challengers
341.wixardy8 38 seconds0
Undisclosed Strategist
343.coachwatson8 47 seconds0
2 Unsubscribed Victors
346.mattslangford8 53 seconds0
Anonymous Adventurer
348.slyyy8 57 seconds0
4 Unidentified Adventurers
353.JSlo8 1 minute, 9 seconds0
354.peterk8 1 minute, 13 seconds0
Free Strategist
356.tylerb8 1 minute, 17 seconds0
Anonymous Adventurer
358.mktaj8 1 minute, 21 seconds0
9 Unregistered Puzzlers
368.zenwheel8 1 minute, 43 seconds0
5 Non-Member Participants
374.Marcintosh8 2 minutes, 13 seconds0
5 Shadow Competitors
380.qqqqqq8 2 minutes, 42 seconds0
5 Mystery Participants
386.chancerubbage8 3 minutes, 10 seconds2
2 Unidentified Participants
389.SAT2328 3 minutes, 38 seconds1
8 Secret Adventurers
398.d0mth0ma58 4 minutes, 56 seconds0
Free Strategist
400.TomFrog8 6 minutes, 29 seconds0
21 Unsubscribed Puzzlers
422.gregde9 51 seconds0
Stealth Thinker
424.raccoona9 56 seconds0
425.grammus9 59 seconds0
8 Stealth Gamers
434.offput9 1 minute, 4 seconds0
435.elkgirl9 1 minute, 8 seconds0
2 Unregistered Challengers
438.mclazarus9 1 minute, 14 seconds0
6 Incognito Enthusiasts
445.tbridge9 1 minute, 27 seconds0
446.Dan9 1 minute, 28 seconds0
447.krizzmp9 1 minute, 29 seconds0
2 Visiting Participants
450.TBalena9 1 minute, 39 seconds0
10 Incognito Participants
461.bob2099 2 minutes, 21 seconds3
4 Non-Paying Riddlers
466.hfike9 2 minutes, 54 seconds0
467.pants9 2 minutes, 55 seconds0
11 Undisclosed Gamers
479.charlesa9 4 minutes, 17 seconds0
20 Mystery Players
500.itsmekt7110 1 minute, 2 seconds0
501.teisam10 1 minute, 10 seconds0
502.marramgrass10 1 minute, 13 seconds0
8 Unregistered Thinkers
511.belehaa10 1 minute, 42 seconds0
24 Free Adventurers
536.John10 3 minutes, 53 seconds0
5 Anonymous Contestants
542.agiletortoise10 5 minutes, 36 seconds0
10 Secret Strategists
553.sem11 45 seconds0
2 Incognito Players
556.Iastate765311 1 minute, 18 seconds0
9 Unidentified Competitors
566.jwhitlock11 2 minutes, 42 seconds0
2 Anonymous Solvers
569.undercarbonated11 3 minutes, 12 seconds0
16 Stealth Riddlers
586.heyitsdiggy12 1 minute, 39 seconds0
3 Anonymous Strategists
590.Birdie12 1 minute, 56 seconds0
591.marshally12 2 minutes, 28 seconds0
4 Unknown Victors
596.mikerastiello12 3 minutes, 1 second1
5 Undisclosed Adventurers
602.cliff53812 8 minutes, 25 seconds0
2 Mystery Thinkers
605.mandli13 1 minute, 44 seconds0
6 Shadow Competitors
612.Raineer13 6 minutes, 13 seconds0
3 Unsubscribed Riddlers
616.BooBooBot 👑14 1 minute, 0 seconds0
9 Stealth Victors
626.Barry14 3 minutes, 6 seconds13
2 Unidentified Solvers
629.merlinthp14 6 minutes, 1 second0
630.BethH14 8 minutes, 2 seconds0
5 Stealth Players
636.eccephono15 21 minutes, 35 seconds0
4 Incognito Explorers
641.nathanjliu17 1 minute, 20 seconds0
4 Anonymous Gamers
646.eczarny18 1 minute, 10 seconds0
2 Unidentified Solvers
649.scottisloud18 2 minutes, 57 seconds0
8 Stealth Strategists
658.CharlieB20 9 minutes, 22 seconds0
2 Stealth Gamers
661.calrdfl21 4 minutes, 25 seconds0
4 Non-Paying Participants
666.dswallow23 7 minutes, 56 seconds2
9 Incognito Gamers