
by Lex Friedman

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Conlextions #281 Leaderboard

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Conlextions #281 Leaderboards
Show anonymous scores
Rank Who Turns Time Hints
1.BenRiceM 4 7 seconds0
4 Shadow Riddlers
6.steev4 14 seconds0
9 Stealth Challengers
16.Frankybeenz4 17 seconds0
9 Undisclosed Participants
26.holgr4 19 seconds0
Unregistered Explorer
28.Sierra4 20 seconds0
29.scottisloud4 20 seconds0
26 Mystery Contestants
56.AliW4 22 seconds0
57.coachwatson4 22 seconds0
10 Anonymous Thinkers
68.Marcintosh4 23 seconds0
69.raccoona4 23 seconds0
70.timkingman4 23 seconds0
71.Peter4 23 seconds0
72.Quam4 23 seconds0
73.trewin4 23 seconds0
74.kim4 23 seconds0
5 Incognito Solvers
80.nathanjliu4 24 seconds0
81.Ani Friedman4 24 seconds0
82.Potato4 24 seconds0
12 Unregistered Solvers
95.eczarny4 25 seconds0
17 Non-Member Riddlers
113.elkgirl4 27 seconds0
10 Mystery Contestants
124.stuart4 28 seconds0
125.otter4 28 seconds0
126.sepcot4 28 seconds0
127.avidbeader4 28 seconds0
8 Secret Solvers
136.mattparker4 29 seconds0
137.wixardy4 29 seconds0
138.TRezendes4 29 seconds0
17 Unidentified Solvers
156.dmoren4 30 seconds0
157.rlivsey4 30 seconds0
28 Mysterious Riddlers
186.dbergey4 31 seconds0
187.billo4 31 seconds0
188.krizzmp4 31 seconds0
189.dixonm54 31 seconds0
190.belehaa4 31 seconds0
16 Non-Paying Riddlers
207.JSlo4 32 seconds0
208.mattslangford4 32 seconds0
209.slyyy4 32 seconds0
18 Visiting Solvers
228.offput4 33 seconds0
229.tbridge4 33 seconds0
5 Unsubscribed Contestants
235.zenwheel4 34 seconds0
236.Diamond_Dog4 34 seconds0
237.ACM4 34 seconds0
13 Hidden Contestants
251.rebecca4 35 seconds0
13 Visiting Achievers
265.joekissell4 36 seconds0
266.merlinthp4 36 seconds0
267.Barry4 36 seconds0
268.scottaw4 36 seconds0
269.leehadassin4 36 seconds0
14 Shadow Enthusiasts
284.glucas4 37 seconds0
285.yitz4 37 seconds0
286.marshally4 37 seconds0
14 Mysterious Riddlers
301.natbudin4 38 seconds0
11 Secret Adventurers
313.agiletortoise4 39 seconds0
314.tylerb4 39 seconds0
315.qqqqqq4 39 seconds0
8 Free Contestants
324.Ianc4 40 seconds0
10 Undisclosed Achievers
335.bob2094 41 seconds0
336.rlorenz4 41 seconds0
10 Shadow Players
347.helbonikster4 42 seconds0
348.Mazfin4 42 seconds0
8 Secret Gamers
357.BooBooBot 👑4 43 seconds0
358.jasonlfunk4 43 seconds0
359.BethH4 43 seconds0
360.eccephono4 43 seconds0
5 Unknown Puzzlers
366.giromide4 44 seconds0
5 Shadow Gamers
372.eiskrap4 45 seconds0
26 Unsubscribed Thinkers
399.Bigmike4 49 seconds0
2 Undisclosed Challengers
402.leoncowle4 50 seconds0
6 Non-Paying Challengers
409.grammus4 52 seconds0
5 Undisclosed Strategists
415.FredDuffle4 52 seconds1
416.Dez4 53 seconds0
417.chancerubbage4 53 seconds0
5 Free Solvers
423.d0mth0ma54 54 seconds0
11 Mystery Competitors
435.AGS4 57 seconds0
436.laurengsnell4 57 seconds0
3 Anonymous Victors
440.undercarbonated4 58 seconds0
5 Free Strategists
446.ballookey4 59 seconds0
447.pants4 59 seconds0
3 Secret Solvers
451.adamqp4 1 minute, 1 second0
452.bumblefett4 1 minute, 1 second0
10 Secret Contestants
463.juri4 1 minute, 4 seconds0
2 Secret Gamers
466.kwoodnh4 1 minute, 5 seconds0
27 Anonymous Participants
494.ned4 1 minute, 19 seconds0
3 Undisclosed Victors
498.EmmaVB4 1 minute, 22 seconds0
8 Non-Member Contestants
507.mktaj4 1 minute, 34 seconds0
508.natebeaty4 1 minute, 34 seconds0
4 Non-Member Solvers
513.mccllstr4 1 minute, 42 seconds0
10 Secret Strategists
524.heyitsdiggy4 2 minutes, 5 seconds0
Mystery Solver
526.Birdie4 2 minutes, 17 seconds0
3 Anonymous Players
530.Grover9244 3 minutes, 23 seconds0
6 Mysterious Achievers
537.brian4 4 minutes, 37 seconds0
2 Unregistered Participants
540.TomFrog4 5 minutes, 24 seconds0
6 Unidentified Competitors
547.drikosuave4 11 minutes, 25 seconds0
7 Unidentified Challengers
555.kelan4 10 hours, 42 minutes, 32 seconds0
Undisclosed Challenger
557.TBalena4 13 hours, 16 minutes, 52 seconds0
4 Unregistered Enthusiasts
562.Amj5015 24 seconds0
563.peterk5 25 seconds0
Mysterious Contestant
565.sem5 26 seconds0
3 Stealth Achievers
569.thumpre5 29 seconds0
570.itsmekt715 29 seconds0
2 Unidentified Challengers
573.Swifty5 30 seconds0
8 Unidentified Players
582.teisam5 37 seconds0
583.CsRoss5 37 seconds0
9 Mysterious Strategists
593.Andrew Kemp5 48 seconds0
10 Secret Participants
604.mikerastiello5 54 seconds0
12 Unsubscribed Puzzlers
617.Nathan B5 1 minute, 12 seconds0
Hidden Participant
619.jonny5 1 minute, 17 seconds0
5 Unidentified Contestants
625.JeremyK5 2 minutes, 5 seconds0
5 Incognito Players
631.TX1010105 2 minutes, 27 seconds0
11 Mysterious Riddlers
643.tallparks6 24 seconds4
6 Stealth Puzzlers
650.ACSlater6 47 seconds0
9 Unsubscribed Players
660.calrdfl6 1 minute, 3 seconds0
4 Undisclosed Puzzlers
665.Pahonix6 1 minute, 46 seconds0
6 Hidden Challengers
672.bwhough7 36 seconds0
Unsubscribed Riddler
674.nibeck7 41 seconds0
Unregistered Achiever
676.mclazarus7 46 seconds0
677.Raineer7 53 seconds0
3 Unidentified Riddlers
681.sww7 1 minute, 4 seconds0
3 Mysterious Puzzlers
685.aburtch7 1 minute, 12 seconds0
8 Shadow Gamers
694.mrakes8 57 seconds0
4 Unknown Solvers
699.Iastate76539 56 seconds0
4 Unknown Enthusiasts
704.gortzilla11 1 minute, 5 seconds0
7 Non-Member Enthusiasts
712.dswallow18 3 minutes, 15 seconds0
2 Mystery Players