
by Lex Friedman

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Conlextions #266 Leaderboard

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Conlextions #266 Leaderboards
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Rank Who Turns Time Hints
4 Mysterious Strategists
5.Peter 4 38 seconds0
6.Frankybeenz4 48 seconds0
Mystery Thinker
8.steev4 55 seconds0
2 Unknown Competitors
11.kim4 1 minute, 9 seconds0
12.krizzmp4 1 minute, 10 seconds0
13.ACM4 1 minute, 11 seconds0
4 Hidden Challengers
18.jasonlfunk4 1 minute, 29 seconds0
19.Swifty4 1 minute, 38 seconds0
9 Mystery Competitors
29.quailman4 2 minutes, 26 seconds25
9 Visiting Competitors
39.raccoona4 3 minutes, 6 seconds1
5 Shadow Strategists
45.TRezendes4 3 minutes, 26 seconds0
Unknown Strategist
47.chancerubbage4 3 minutes, 40 seconds3
17 Secret Players
65.billo4 1 hour, 58 minutes, 37 seconds0
4 Unidentified Enthusiasts
70.Quam5 45 seconds0
71.joekissell5 55 seconds0
4 Non-Paying Adventurers
76.scottaw5 1 minute, 7 seconds0
8 Stealth Gamers
85.jonny5 1 minute, 24 seconds0
Unidentified Player
87.drikosuave5 1 minute, 28 seconds0
3 Shadow Puzzlers
91.holgr5 1 minute, 39 seconds0
2 Unidentified Achievers
94.mythgard5 1 minute, 45 seconds0
Non-Paying Victor
96.natbudin5 1 minute, 47 seconds0
Unidentified Strategist
98.TomFrog5 1 minute, 58 seconds0
5 Anonymous Puzzlers
104.d0mth0ma55 2 minutes, 11 seconds0
105.mccllstr5 2 minutes, 15 seconds1
7 Unsubscribed Victors
113.AGS5 2 minutes, 34 seconds3
6 Non-Member Players
120.sww5 3 minutes, 4 seconds0
4 Mysterious Participants
125.zenwheel 👑5 3 minutes, 19 seconds0
Shadow Thinker
127.undercarbonated5 3 minutes, 42 seconds0
4 Unknown Puzzlers
132.dswallow5 4 minutes, 36 seconds0
133.adamqp5 4 minutes, 59 seconds0
2 Hidden Strategists
136.kelan5 5 minutes, 20 seconds0
13 Mystery Solvers
150.wixardy6 45 seconds0
151.AliW6 51 seconds1
2 Shadow Players
154.dmoren6 1 minute, 8 seconds0
3 Non-Member Challengers
158._brianhamilton6 1 minute, 32 seconds0
2 Shadow Competitors
161.Diamond_Dog6 1 minute, 40 seconds0
10 Shadow Strategists
172.elkgirl6 2 minutes, 18 seconds0
3 Anonymous Contestants
176.glucas6 2 minutes, 26 seconds0
3 Incognito Participants
180.rebecca6 2 minutes, 42 seconds2
3 Anonymous Thinkers
184.mikerastiello6 2 minutes, 46 seconds0
2 Unsubscribed Enthusiasts
187.Fikiri6 3 minutes, 28 seconds0
3 Stealth Strategists
191.rlivsey6 3 minutes, 56 seconds0
5 Incognito Explorers
197.bumblefett6 4 minutes, 12 seconds2
6 Non-Member Challengers
204.BigTrouble6 9 minutes, 40 seconds0
13 Non-Member Contestants
218.nathanjliu7 1 minute, 33 seconds0
7 Anonymous Gamers
226.JSlo7 2 minutes, 14 seconds0
10 Unknown Participants
237.Andrew Kemp7 5 minutes, 34 seconds0
6 Unregistered Solvers
244.helbonikster7 35 minutes, 4 seconds0
3 Mysterious Enthusiasts
248.Ani Friedman8 40 seconds0
Visiting Solver
250.coachwatson8 1 minute, 19 seconds3
251.Verso8 1 minute, 22 seconds0
14 Visiting Gamers
266.tallparks8 3 minutes, 14 seconds2
Secret Player
268.joshmuthumani8 3 minutes, 31 seconds0
7 Hidden Thinkers
276.rlorenz8 5 minutes, 9 seconds0
6 Undisclosed Solvers
283.CsRoss8 6 minutes, 29 seconds0
284.merlinthp8 9 minutes, 4 seconds0
285.SAT2328 12 minutes, 31 seconds3
4 Secret Strategists
290.Mazfin8 2 hours, 21 minutes, 28 seconds2
291.Bigmike8 2 hours, 40 minutes, 0 seconds0
3 Unsubscribed Competitors
295.alexcox9 1 minute, 25 seconds0
6 Unregistered Solvers
302.trewin9 1 minute, 53 seconds0
3 Anonymous Contestants
306.aburtch9 2 minutes, 49 seconds0
307.peterk9 2 minutes, 50 seconds0
14 Secret Players
322.giromide9 4 minutes, 37 seconds1
323.HMSeh9 4 minutes, 58 seconds2
25 Anonymous Players
349.mrakes10 2 minutes, 32 seconds0
12 Stealth Gamers
362.JeremyK10 4 minutes, 3 seconds1
6 Unknown Achievers
369.laurengsnell10 5 minutes, 13 seconds0
370.ned10 5 minutes, 38 seconds0
18 Unidentified Achievers
389.mandli11 4 minutes, 59 seconds2
2 Unregistered Adventurers
392.Existopher11 6 minutes, 28 seconds0
14 Unregistered Solvers
407.calrdfl12 2 minutes, 45 seconds0
Hidden Achiever
409.mktaj12 3 minutes, 19 seconds0
6 Undisclosed Competitors
416.TX10101012 7 minutes, 4 seconds0
15 Incognito Achievers
432.offput13 5 minutes, 10 seconds0
5 Shadow Solvers
438.grammus13 1 hour, 17 minutes, 12 seconds2
8 Mysterious Riddlers
447.roo14 3 minutes, 26 seconds0
12 Secret Participants
460.sem15 1 minute, 45 seconds0
5 Secret Enthusiasts
466.slyyy15 4 minutes, 27 seconds3
3 Secret Achievers
470.mclazarus15 6 minutes, 6 seconds0
3 Undisclosed Explorers
474.ChrisK15 42 hours, 42 minutes, 33 seconds4
6 Visiting Enthusiasts
481.EmmaVB16 3 minutes, 26 seconds1
Mysterious Gamer
483.sepcot16 4 minutes, 53 seconds0
11 Shadow Strategists
495.thumpre17 4 minutes, 56 seconds0
4 Mystery Thinkers
500.Amj50118 1 minute, 29 seconds0
5 Mysterious Solvers
506.PhilStollery18 5 minutes, 22 seconds0
507.Pahonix18 7 minutes, 31 seconds0
5 Visiting Achievers
513.Birdie18 7 hours, 11 minutes, 20 seconds0
514.BooBooBot19 1 minute, 9 seconds0
19 Non-Member Players
534.tylerb20 7 minutes, 31 seconds0
7 Non-Paying Participants
542.mattslangford21 3 minutes, 29 seconds0
Mysterious Strategist
544.FredDuffle21 4 minutes, 16 seconds2
3 Mystery Enthusiasts
548.yitz21 9 minutes, 59 seconds0
13 Incognito Challengers
562.alistairlee23 14 minutes, 1 second1
9 Unknown Explorers
572.norm_83725 2 minutes, 7 seconds0
2 Hidden Victors
575.dbergey25 4 minutes, 57 seconds0
Unregistered Achiever
577.heyitsdiggy25 4 hours, 18 minutes, 2 seconds0
Secret Challenger
579.eczarny26 3 minutes, 3 seconds3
10 Mysterious Solvers
590.itsmekt7131 2 minutes, 21 seconds0
7 Unregistered Gamers
598.Ianc33 5 minutes, 25 seconds0
3 Non-Paying Contestants
602.mattparker34 10 minutes, 33 seconds0
Hidden Solver
604.Dez35 4 minutes, 53 seconds0
7 Visiting Achievers
612.bwhough42 1 minute, 49 seconds1
Undisclosed Strategist
614.nervestorm42 18 minutes, 36 seconds2
10 Non-Paying Gamers
625.Marcintosh50 6 minutes, 55 seconds0
3 Shadow Participants
629.scottisloud53 8 minutes, 16 seconds2
4 Mystery Challengers
634.marshally59 9 minutes, 2 seconds1
4 Unknown Solvers