
by Lex Friedman

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Conlextions #262 Leaderboard

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Conlextions #262 Leaderboards
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Rank Who Turns Time Hints
3 Non-Member Gamers
4.steev4 57 seconds0
10 Unknown Victors
15.helbonikster4 3 minutes, 5 seconds1
7 Secret Competitors
23.TX1010104 4 minutes, 59 seconds0
2 Non-Member Enthusiasts
26.Andrew Kemp4 10 minutes, 48 seconds0
5 Shadow Strategists
32.coachwatson 5 48 seconds4
14 Stealth Achievers
47.AGS5 2 minutes, 50 seconds3
11 Non-Member Participants
59.chancerubbage5 4 minutes, 16 seconds3
12 Secret Enthusiasts
72.billo6 1 minute, 18 seconds3
4 Shadow Achievers
77.Quam6 1 minute, 50 seconds0
4 Mysterious Participants
82.PhilStollery6 3 minutes, 9 seconds4
2 Secret Puzzlers
85.HMSeh6 3 minutes, 40 seconds0
4 Hidden Victors
90.laurengsnell6 4 minutes, 50 seconds2
Anonymous Adventurer
92.agiletortoise6 5 minutes, 3 seconds2
4 Free Solvers
97.mccllstr6 7 minutes, 23 seconds0
3 Free Enthusiasts
101.merlinthp6 13 minutes, 54 seconds0
3 Unknown Victors
105.Amj5017 1 minute, 16 seconds3
Unregistered Participant
107.MsKinNJ7 1 minute, 57 seconds0
Anonymous Gamer
109.yatil7 2 minutes, 22 seconds3
5 Free Explorers
115.undercarbonated7 2 minutes, 51 seconds0
5 Non-Paying Achievers
121.Barry7 3 minutes, 45 seconds14
122.dmoren7 4 minutes, 3 seconds0
10 Non-Paying Victors
133.kelan7 9 minutes, 40 seconds1
2 Free Contestants
136.Mazfin7 11 minutes, 26 seconds0
9 Stealth Explorers
146.tallparks8 1 minute, 42 seconds4
6 Mysterious Adventurers
153.Diamond_Dog8 3 minutes, 12 seconds0
154.CsRoss8 3 minutes, 27 seconds1
155.wixardy8 3 minutes, 58 seconds0
5 Hidden Victors
161.TomFrog8 5 minutes, 12 seconds0
162.Existopher8 5 minutes, 24 seconds0
6 Non-Paying Contestants
169.Bigmike8 12 minutes, 4 seconds0
4 Non-Member Puzzlers
174.AliW8 29 hours, 26 minutes, 31 seconds1
2 Non-Paying Explorers
177.pmele9 1 minute, 48 seconds0
178.Tyger9 1 minute, 53 seconds0
2 Shadow Gamers
181.Spol9 2 minutes, 10 seconds0
2 Mystery Contestants
184.mrakes9 2 minutes, 33 seconds0
2 Unidentified Adventurers
187.tylerb9 2 minutes, 51 seconds0
9 Unknown Competitors
197.alexcox9 4 minutes, 21 seconds7
8 Incognito Victors
206.d0mth0ma59 9 minutes, 14 seconds0
5 Unidentified Adventurers
212.marramgrass10 1 minute, 20 seconds0
2 Non-Member Riddlers
215.eczarny10 1 minute, 57 seconds14
9 Mystery Players
225.JSlo10 4 minutes, 17 seconds0
226.drikosuave10 4 minutes, 33 seconds0
Undisclosed Participant
228.giromide10 5 minutes, 11 seconds2
20 Non-Paying Gamers
249.rlivsey11 7 minutes, 28 seconds0
Incognito Participant
251.juri11 11 minutes, 10 seconds0
2 Hidden Competitors
254.mikerastiello11 14 minutes, 15 seconds2
255.adamqp11 21 minutes, 6 seconds0
5 Mystery Challengers
261.joekissell12 2 minutes, 15 seconds0
262.mclazarus12 2 minutes, 32 seconds0
2 Free Explorers
265.SAT23212 3 minutes, 41 seconds4
Unregistered Contestant
267.ACM 👑12 4 minutes, 8 seconds0
24 Non-Member Solvers
292.Dr. Ferrous13 3 minutes, 39 seconds5
9 Secret Challengers
302.glucas13 6 minutes, 54 seconds2
5 Mystery Enthusiasts
308.yitz13 10 minutes, 30 seconds0
Anonymous Participant
310.Mark Tomas13 15 minutes, 26 seconds4
Anonymous Player
312.rlorenz13 2 hours, 7 minutes, 14 seconds1
20 Unregistered Challengers
333.mythgard14 5 minutes, 38 seconds3
20 Unsubscribed Players
354.TRezendes15 8 minutes, 54 seconds0
7 Unidentified Thinkers
362.tbridge16 2 minutes, 30 seconds0
363.Raineer16 2 minutes, 44 seconds0
3 Unknown Adventurers
367.mattparker16 3 minutes, 12 seconds0
Unregistered Participant
369.nathanjliu16 3 minutes, 36 seconds0
9 Shadow Solvers
379.zenwheel16 5 minutes, 32 seconds0
380.Swifty16 5 minutes, 32 seconds0
3 Hidden Riddlers
384.natbudin16 13 minutes, 48 seconds4
385.BigTrouble16 14 minutes, 0 seconds15
3 Non-Member Participants
389.jonny17 2 minutes, 46 seconds6
4 Stealth Adventurers
394.timkingman17 4 minutes, 51 seconds0
5 Incognito Strategists
400.Pahonix17 2 hours, 11 minutes, 57 seconds3
5 Mysterious Challengers
406.eiskrap18 2 minutes, 27 seconds0
407.peterk18 2 minutes, 38 seconds0
14 Unsubscribed Riddlers
422.quailman19 3 minutes, 35 seconds1
6 Mysterious Gamers
429.sepcot19 8 minutes, 18 seconds5
10 Secret Explorers
440.slyyy20 4 minutes, 32 seconds0
11 Mystery Players
452.ballookey21 10 minutes, 7 seconds0
3 Hidden Puzzlers
456.marshally21 18 hours, 25 minutes, 27 seconds1
Mysterious Riddler
458.Ani Friedman22 1 minute, 53 seconds3
2 Unidentified Adventurers
461.itsmekt7122 2 minutes, 34 seconds0
15 Stealth Strategists
477.Marcintosh23 4 minutes, 29 seconds0
8 Non-Paying Participants
486.krizzmp24 4 minutes, 47 seconds0
487.rebecca24 4 minutes, 56 seconds1
Hidden Strategist
489.heyitsdiggy24 6 minutes, 3 seconds2
490.Edubbs24 8 minutes, 8 seconds0
7 Incognito Thinkers
498.scott.h25 34 minutes, 55 seconds1
5 Anonymous Adventurers
504.EmmaVB26 2 minutes, 37 seconds5
3 Hidden Contestants
508.calrdfl26 3 minutes, 57 seconds0
24 Anonymous Victors
533.mktaj28 23 minutes, 46 seconds2
9 Non-Paying Explorers
543.Peter30 11 minutes, 4 seconds0
2 Mystery Challengers
546.FredDuffle31 4 minutes, 25 seconds0
12 Anonymous Achievers
559.Ianc32 34 hours, 49 minutes, 39 seconds0
560.sem33 4 minutes, 4 seconds1
561.norm_83733 7 minutes, 30 seconds2
4 Anonymous Gamers
566.thumpre34 14 minutes, 0 seconds1
4 Unsubscribed Achievers
571.mattslangford35 4 minutes, 12 seconds0
3 Stealth Victors
575.BooBooBot36 1 minute, 3 seconds0
2 Anonymous Thinkers
578.offput36 11 minutes, 2 seconds0
3 Undisclosed Solvers
582.teisam39 6 minutes, 5 seconds0
3 Hidden Participants
586.trewin40 9 minutes, 19 seconds0
Unidentified Competitor
588.bwhough41 2 minutes, 59 seconds0
6 Incognito Challengers
595.scottisloud43 15 hours, 0 minutes, 30 seconds4
4 Undisclosed Players
600.kim47 10 minutes, 37 seconds0
2 Anonymous Challengers
603.dswallow48 15 minutes, 52 seconds1
604.roo48 38 minutes, 34 seconds2
2 Shadow Achievers
607.Birdie49 6 hours, 18 minutes, 54 seconds1
2 Incognito Puzzlers
610.leoncowle51 3 minutes, 44 seconds0
3 Undisclosed Achievers
614.Dez55 6 minutes, 14 seconds0
615.joshmuthumani58 8 minutes, 45 seconds6
4 Unknown Competitors