
by Lex Friedman

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Conlextions #260 Leaderboard

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Conlextions #260 Leaderboards
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Rank Who Turns Time Hints
Unknown Victor
2.alpine 4 27 seconds8
3.steev4 32 seconds0
Mystery Gamer
5.calrdfl4 46 seconds0
6.drikosuave4 48 seconds0
3 Non-Paying Players
10.Quam4 55 seconds0
11.Swifty4 58 seconds0
12.natbudin4 1 minute, 2 seconds0
2 Visiting Participants
15.rtm4 1 minute, 14 seconds0
Stealth Riddler
17.Spol4 1 minute, 15 seconds0
3 Non-Paying Enthusiasts
21.marshally4 1 minute, 30 seconds0
9 Secret Thinkers
31.joekissell4 2 minutes, 14 seconds0
5 Free Thinkers
37.Nathan B4 2 minutes, 53 seconds0
4 Secret Victors
42.giromide4 3 minutes, 10 seconds0
3 Unsubscribed Explorers
46.ned4 3 minutes, 16 seconds0
3 Shadow Participants
50.jonny 👑4 3 minutes, 51 seconds0
16 Unregistered Solvers
67.Ianc4 10 hours, 12 minutes, 7 seconds0
7 Shadow Thinkers
75.Diamond_Dog5 1 minute, 3 seconds0
76.TX1010105 1 minute, 12 seconds0
2 Mysterious Achievers
79.Pahonix5 1 minute, 17 seconds0
Non-Member Challenger
81.rlorenz5 1 minute, 20 seconds0
Anonymous Thinker
83.dbergey5 1 minute, 22 seconds0
2 Unidentified Players
86.jonathan5 1 minute, 25 seconds0
9 Mystery Enthusiasts
96.raccoona5 1 minute, 35 seconds3
7 Secret Enthusiasts
104.Peter5 1 minute, 53 seconds0
105.mccllstr5 1 minute, 56 seconds2
2 Free Solvers
108.tylerb5 2 minutes, 3 seconds0
Anonymous Strategist
110.mrakes5 2 minutes, 6 seconds0
111.JSlo5 2 minutes, 10 seconds1
3 Shadow Participants
115.ballookey5 2 minutes, 26 seconds0
23 Undisclosed Victors
139.rlivsey5 4 minutes, 35 seconds0
7 Unsubscribed Contestants
147.juri5 9 minutes, 49 seconds2
7 Anonymous Players
155.Andrew Kemp5 47 minutes, 40 seconds0
2 Hidden Participants
158.grammus5 5 hours, 28 minutes, 52 seconds7
2 Non-Paying Enthusiasts
161.laurengsnell5 21 hours, 43 minutes, 10 seconds0
Unknown Player
163.HMSeh5 23 hours, 44 minutes, 22 seconds0
2 Unregistered Contestants
166.timkingman6 46 seconds0
3 Non-Member Puzzlers
170.mattslangford6 1 minute, 14 seconds0
3 Unknown Players
174.coachwatson6 1 minute, 22 seconds2
4 Visiting Participants
179.Marcintosh6 1 minute, 36 seconds0
9 Visiting Strategists
189.helbonikster6 1 minute, 59 seconds1
12 Stealth Gamers
202.offput6 2 minutes, 35 seconds0
Shadow Adventurer
204.leoncowle6 2 minutes, 43 seconds0
5 Non-Member Gamers
210.yitz6 3 minutes, 28 seconds0
Non-Paying Competitor
212.CsRoss6 3 minutes, 29 seconds2
7 Unidentified Contestants
220.BigTrouble6 7 minutes, 32 seconds30
7 Stealth Participants
228.merlinthp6 17 minutes, 23 seconds3
14 Mystery Riddlers
243.JeremyK7 1 minute, 47 seconds0
3 Visiting Players
247.mythgard7 2 minutes, 18 seconds0
248.Edubbs7 2 minutes, 23 seconds0
2 Unidentified Participants
251.chancerubbage7 2 minutes, 29 seconds2
4 Visiting Competitors
256.undercarbonated7 2 minutes, 56 seconds0
4 Non-Member Achievers
261.AGS7 3 minutes, 23 seconds2
7 Incognito Enthusiasts
269.rsfinn7 4 minutes, 36 seconds0
Shadow Competitor
271.ACM7 5 minutes, 0 seconds0
14 Unknown Solvers
286.alexcox7 13 hours, 6 minutes, 33 seconds2
4 Mysterious Explorers
291.elkgirl8 1 minute, 0 seconds0
292.dmoren8 1 minute, 12 seconds0
4 Non-Paying Contestants
297.mclazarus8 1 minute, 35 seconds0
18 Incognito Explorers
316.Bigmike8 4 minutes, 5 seconds0
7 Mystery Contestants
324.Tyger8 5 minutes, 40 seconds1
325.zenwheel8 6 minutes, 12 seconds0
5 Unsubscribed Strategists
331.trewin8 11 minutes, 11 seconds0
7 Shadow Challengers
339.bwhough9 1 minute, 12 seconds0
Anonymous Gamer
341.TRezendes9 1 minute, 17 seconds0
3 Stealth Players
345.sameow9 2 minutes, 14 seconds0
4 Mysterious Solvers
350.Barry9 2 minutes, 35 seconds13
351.tallparks9 2 minutes, 36 seconds1
10 Unidentified Victors
362.TBalena9 3 minutes, 29 seconds1
5 Unsubscribed Adventurers
368.Essiek559 4 minutes, 6 seconds2
3 Stealth Solvers
372.FredDuffle9 4 minutes, 43 seconds0
3 Unregistered Participants
376.Raineer9 6 minutes, 22 seconds3
14 Stealth Contestants
391.d0mth0ma510 2 minutes, 1 second0
6 Mysterious Competitors
398.mktaj10 4 minutes, 0 seconds0
399.wixardy10 4 minutes, 1 second0
2 Anonymous Competitors
402.CharlieB10 4 minutes, 37 seconds0
7 Unknown Strategists
410.TomFrog10 31 minutes, 44 seconds1
Free Participant
412.eiskrap11 1 minute, 45 seconds1
7 Shadow Victors
420.heyitsdiggy11 4 minutes, 47 seconds1
6 Stealth Challengers
427.fullerc11 7 minutes, 13 seconds3
428.glucas11 12 minutes, 7 seconds7
Anonymous Gamer
430.AliW11 6 hours, 5 minutes, 32 seconds2
431.mikerastiello11 7 hours, 52 minutes, 20 seconds2
Undisclosed Victor
433.roo12 1 minute, 38 seconds0
5 Unregistered Challengers
439.sem12 2 minutes, 32 seconds0
10 Free Puzzlers
450.SAT23212 2 minutes, 49 seconds1
4 Non-Member Solvers
455.Amj50112 3 minutes, 16 seconds3
2 Free Enthusiasts
458.sepcot12 3 minutes, 44 seconds0
5 Non-Paying Puzzlers
464.kelan12 7 minutes, 40 seconds1
4 Hidden Victors
469.Ani Friedman13 1 minute, 18 seconds0
Shadow Adventurer
471.peterk13 1 minute, 53 seconds1
Stealth Explorer
473.slyyy13 3 minutes, 2 seconds0
2 Shadow Contestants
476.otter13 4 minutes, 14 seconds3
3 Undisclosed Contestants
480.mattparker13 6 minutes, 43 seconds0
Secret Competitor
482.MsKinNJ13 6 minutes, 49 seconds0
8 Secret Enthusiasts
491.eczarny14 2 minutes, 0 seconds6
14 Non-Member Thinkers
506.quailman15 2 minutes, 14 seconds7
8 Mystery Competitors
515.Dez15 4 minutes, 48 seconds0
3 Non-Paying Challengers
519.dswallow15 11 minutes, 57 seconds2
8 Incognito Explorers
528.tbridge16 6 minutes, 0 seconds2
Undisclosed Strategist
530.thumpre16 10 minutes, 41 seconds1
3 Mystery Players
534.sww16 7 hours, 49 minutes, 7 seconds0
9 Mystery Strategists
544.norm_83718 3 minutes, 26 seconds0
545.Birdie18 3 minutes, 53 seconds0
3 Mysterious Contestants
549.PhilStollery18 18 hours, 8 minutes, 33 seconds1
550.nathanjliu19 1 minute, 46 seconds0
3 Incognito Gamers
554.BooBooBot19 2 minutes, 46 seconds0
2 Visiting Solvers
557.scottaw19 5 minutes, 21 seconds0
8 Non-Member Contestants
566.adamqp20 10 minutes, 21 seconds0
20 Unsubscribed Contestants
587.kim23 95 hours, 54 minutes, 21 seconds0
4 Mysterious Competitors
592.itsmekt7126 3 minutes, 57 seconds0
593.mandli26 4 minutes, 22 seconds2
5 Unidentified Participants
599.rebecca28 6 minutes, 15 seconds3
10 Hidden Victors
610.scottisloud31 5 minutes, 24 seconds0
7 Unidentified Thinkers
618.krizzmp35 5 minutes, 56 seconds0
6 Unknown Victors
625.teisam40 4 minutes, 33 seconds0
3 Secret Adventurers
629.holgr41 3 minutes, 30 seconds8
12 Secret Enthusiasts