
by Lex Friedman

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Conlextions #258 Leaderboard

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Conlextions #258 Leaderboards
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Rank Who Turns Time Hints
1.timkingman 4 21 seconds0
3 Undisclosed Adventurers
5.sem4 25 seconds0
3 Non-Member Thinkers
9.danielpunkass4 26 seconds0
10.leoncowle4 26 seconds0
3 Unidentified Participants
14.jasonlfunk4 28 seconds0
8 Hidden Solvers
23.mattparker4 31 seconds0
24.liss4 31 seconds0
7 Non-Paying Strategists
32.marramgrass4 33 seconds0
33.coachwatson4 33 seconds0
5 Unknown Challengers
39.dmoren4 36 seconds0
40.Ianc4 36 seconds0
5 Non-Member Explorers
46.Frankybeenz4 37 seconds0
47.sullust4 37 seconds0
7 Stealth Contestants
55.mclazarus4 38 seconds0
56.Peter4 38 seconds0
8 Secret Challengers
65.kim4 39 seconds0
2 Mystery Enthusiasts
68.AGS4 40 seconds0
2 Hidden Explorers
71.peterk4 41 seconds0
72.AliW4 41 seconds0
10 Incognito Gamers
83.joekissell4 42 seconds0
4 Unidentified Thinkers
88.rlorenz4 43 seconds0
89.CsRoss4 43 seconds0
3 Stealth Players
93.mrakes4 44 seconds0
94.sww4 44 seconds0
4 Non-Member Gamers
99.jonny4 45 seconds0
100.Bigmike4 45 seconds0
8 Incognito Challengers
109.bumblefett4 46 seconds0
3 Incognito Participants
113.Amj5014 47 seconds0
114.helbonikster4 47 seconds0
115.giromide4 47 seconds0
116.mandli4 47 seconds0
3 Unregistered Explorers
120.nathanjliu4 48 seconds0
121.glucas4 48 seconds0
122.wixardy4 48 seconds0
123.Nathan B4 48 seconds0
8 Anonymous Adventurers
132.Marcintosh4 49 seconds0
133.JSlo4 49 seconds0
5 Unidentified Competitors
139.kelan4 51 seconds0
140.roo4 51 seconds0
7 Non-Member Achievers
148.mccllstr4 52 seconds0
149.bwhough4 52 seconds0
19 Non-Paying Riddlers
169.offput4 54 seconds0
170.Birdie4 54 seconds0
6 Non-Member Contestants
177.Ani Friedman4 55 seconds0
10 Non-Paying Thinkers
188.eiskrap4 56 seconds0
189.merlinthp4 56 seconds0
4 Non-Member Participants
194.rlivsey4 57 seconds0
14 Unknown Riddlers
209.ned4 59 seconds0
3 Hidden Thinkers
213.HMSeh4 1 minute, 0 seconds0
18 Free Puzzlers
232.Swifty4 1 minute, 3 seconds0
7 Free Riddlers
240.ACM4 1 minute, 5 seconds0
7 Unknown Participants
248.PhilStollery4 1 minute, 6 seconds0
5 Anonymous Achievers
254.scottisloud4 1 minute, 7 seconds0
3 Unsubscribed Contestants
258.TomFrog4 1 minute, 8 seconds0
6 Undisclosed Contestants
265.steev4 1 minute, 10 seconds0
26 Non-Member Explorers
292.agiletortoise4 1 minute, 16 seconds0
293.Diamond_Dog4 1 minute, 16 seconds0
2 Secret Competitors
296.natbudin4 1 minute, 17 seconds0
4 Mystery Gamers
301.juri4 1 minute, 18 seconds0
Hidden Thinker
303.otter4 1 minute, 19 seconds0
3 Mysterious Explorers
307.BigTrouble4 1 minute, 20 seconds0
6 Stealth Contestants
314.krizzmp 👑4 1 minute, 21 seconds0
9 Shadow Enthusiasts
324.Andrew Kemp4 1 minute, 24 seconds0
325.scottaw4 1 minute, 24 seconds0
326.Fikiri4 1 minute, 24 seconds0
6 Non-Member Riddlers
333.eczarny4 1 minute, 25 seconds4
Secret Player
335.adamqp4 1 minute, 27 seconds0
2 Mystery Players
338.zenwheel4 1 minute, 28 seconds0
339.tallparks4 1 minute, 28 seconds0
340.EmmaVB4 1 minute, 28 seconds0
3 Stealth Victors
344.haugen4 1 minute, 30 seconds0
345.TRezendes4 1 minute, 30 seconds0
7 Anonymous Strategists
353.Dr. Ferrous4 1 minute, 33 seconds0
Hidden Participant
355.rebecca4 1 minute, 34 seconds0
7 Incognito Strategists
363.grammus4 1 minute, 39 seconds0
5 Non-Paying Strategists
369.ballookey4 1 minute, 42 seconds0
8 Non-Paying Strategists
378.stuart4 1 minute, 47 seconds0
Undisclosed Thinker
380.FredDuffle4 1 minute, 48 seconds0
2 Non-Member Gamers
383.Spol4 1 minute, 49 seconds0
384.brokenUser4 1 minute, 49 seconds0
Mysterious Player
386.rsfinn4 1 minute, 51 seconds0
7 Mysterious Explorers
394.sepcot4 1 minute, 55 seconds0
2 Undisclosed Thinkers
397.aburtch4 2 minutes, 0 seconds0
12 Stealth Competitors
410.Marylyn4 2 minutes, 11 seconds0
411.laurengsnell4 2 minutes, 12 seconds0
3 Secret Challengers
415.slyyy4 2 minutes, 16 seconds0
5 Secret Enthusiasts
421.yitz4 2 minutes, 23 seconds0
23 Non-Member Challengers
445.billo4 2 minutes, 54 seconds0
11 Unregistered Players
457.undercarbonated4 4 minutes, 7 seconds0
29 Unsubscribed Competitors
487.calrdfl4 21 minutes, 11 seconds0
3 Anonymous Competitors
491.elkgirl4 31 minutes, 33 seconds0
2 Hidden Solvers
494.heyitsdiggy4 59 minutes, 17 seconds0
3 Mysterious Challengers
498.Quam4 1 hour, 31 minutes, 26 seconds0
2 Unknown Contestants
501.tbridge4 5 hours, 15 minutes, 43 seconds0
5 Hidden Victors
507.K^24 27 hours, 42 minutes, 51 seconds0
9 Visiting Strategists
517.TX1010105 43 seconds0
4 Visiting Participants
522.Edubbs5 51 seconds0
18 Free Enthusiasts
541.dbergey5 1 minute, 12 seconds0
26 Unidentified Participants
568.d0mth0ma55 2 minutes, 33 seconds0
16 Unregistered Victors
585.CharlieB5 7 minutes, 17 seconds0
8 Unsubscribed Contestants
594.itsmekt716 54 seconds0
3 Unknown Players
598.Dan6 1 minute, 8 seconds0
3 Non-Paying Puzzlers
602.sameow6 1 minute, 20 seconds0
3 Visiting Players
606.teisam6 1 minute, 29 seconds0
11 Unregistered Puzzlers
618.trewin6 2 minutes, 35 seconds0
5 Unknown Thinkers
624.dswallow6 4 minutes, 24 seconds0
13 Non-Member Gamers
638.chancerubbage7 2 minutes, 13 seconds0
Hidden Solver
640.SAT2327 2 minutes, 44 seconds0
Non-Member Thinker
642.alexcox7 3 minutes, 19 seconds0
Unknown Enthusiast
644.TBalena7 3 minutes, 47 seconds0
3 Free Solvers
648.tylerb7 14 minutes, 0 seconds0
5 Visiting Enthusiasts
654.thumpre8 2 minutes, 12 seconds0
3 Mysterious Victors
658.marshally8 3 minutes, 42 seconds0
3 Stealth Adventurers
662.JeremyK9 1 minute, 13 seconds0
3 Non-Paying Players
666.Dez9 2 minutes, 26 seconds0
4 Secret Participants
671.bob20910 1 minute, 32 seconds0
6 Unidentified Competitors
678.holgr11 1 minute, 20 seconds0
10 Non-Paying Players
689.Barry13 3 minutes, 45 seconds13
5 Stealth Riddlers
695.mattslangford16 1 minute, 22 seconds0
Hidden Adventurer
697.alpine17 1 minute, 26 seconds1
2 Unsubscribed Strategists
700.Pahonix19 5 minutes, 26 seconds3
2 Stealth Thinkers
703.BooBooBot23 1 minute, 19 seconds0
5 Mystery Riddlers