
by Lex Friedman

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Conlextions #248 Leaderboard

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Conlextions #248 Leaderboards
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Rank Who Turns Time Hints
3 Mystery Participants
4.steev 4 25 seconds0
7 Incognito Gamers
12.zenwheel 👑4 33 seconds0
3 Shadow Contestants
16.Greg P4 37 seconds0
4 Stealth Challengers
21.EmmaVB4 46 seconds0
2 Mysterious Explorers
24.tylerb4 49 seconds0
3 Unidentified Gamers
28.sww4 56 seconds0
Mystery Riddler
30.alistairlee4 1 minute, 0 seconds0
23 Secret Riddlers
54.rsfinn4 1 minute, 21 seconds0
16 Non-Paying Gamers
71.yitz4 1 minute, 42 seconds0
5 Shadow Enthusiasts
77.wixardy4 1 minute, 51 seconds0
7 Mystery Competitors
85.glucas4 2 minutes, 2 seconds0
8 Mystery Adventurers
94.undercarbonated4 2 minutes, 29 seconds0
4 Mystery Adventurers
99.Andrew Kemp4 2 minutes, 53 seconds0
10 Anonymous Players
110.CharlieB4 5 minutes, 24 seconds0
2 Anonymous Players
113.TomFrog4 7 minutes, 54 seconds0
Visiting Challenger
115.billo4 12 minutes, 22 seconds0
12 Unidentified Thinkers
128.tbridge5 40 seconds0
129.jonny5 44 seconds0
Mysterious Strategist
131.mktaj5 47 seconds0
2 Unsubscribed Thinkers
134.BigTrouble5 53 seconds0
12 Unknown Puzzlers
147.kelan5 1 minute, 2 seconds0
148.Grumpy5 1 minute, 2 seconds0
149.JSlo5 1 minute, 4 seconds0
150.jonathan5 1 minute, 4 seconds0
151.dmoren5 1 minute, 5 seconds0
Non-Member Explorer
153.chancerubbage5 1 minute, 8 seconds0
21 Unidentified Puzzlers
175.Bigmike5 1 minute, 28 seconds0
4 Incognito Adventurers
180.Jono5 1 minute, 35 seconds0
181.John5 1 minute, 37 seconds0
29 Unidentified Riddlers
211.K^25 46 minutes, 9 seconds0
5 Unknown Solvers
217.jasonlfunk5 15 hours, 24 minutes, 23 seconds1
3 Stealth Puzzlers
221.offput6 42 seconds0
5 Undisclosed Adventurers
227.jsnell6 49 seconds0
2 Non-Paying Adventurers
230.Swifty6 53 seconds0
231.irwindigital6 56 seconds0
6 Unknown Gamers
238.Amj5016 1 minute, 6 seconds0
239.slyyy6 1 minute, 7 seconds0
2 Secret Adventurers
242.godofbiscuits6 1 minute, 9 seconds0
3 Unknown Victors
246.teisam6 1 minute, 16 seconds0
247.timkingman6 1 minute, 18 seconds0
2 Stealth Challengers
250.nathanjliu6 1 minute, 20 seconds0
3 Non-Member Strategists
254.TRezendes6 1 minute, 26 seconds0
2 Unidentified Solvers
257.vanguard_spaceship6 1 minute, 31 seconds0
258.stuart6 1 minute, 33 seconds0
2 Hidden Riddlers
261.bob2096 1 minute, 36 seconds0
Undisclosed Challenger
263.MsKinNJ6 1 minute, 43 seconds0
4 Anonymous Adventurers
268.Ianc6 2 minutes, 3 seconds0
Visiting Competitor
270.Millon6 2 minutes, 8 seconds0
3 Stealth Challengers
274.Existopher6 2 minutes, 24 seconds0
2 Mysterious Participants
277.Tyger6 2 minutes, 29 seconds0
4 Shadow Challengers
282.Barry6 2 minutes, 45 seconds3
13 Visiting Thinkers
296.HMSeh16 4 minutes, 32 seconds3
14 Visiting Adventurers
311.marramgrass7 44 seconds0
6 Unsubscribed Strategists
318.Peter7 55 seconds0
Stealth Adventurer
320.scottaw7 56 seconds0
6 Incognito Adventurers
327.eiskrap7 1 minute, 5 seconds0
328.alexcox7 1 minute, 5 seconds0
329.AliW7 1 minute, 8 seconds0
6 Secret Thinkers
336.eczarny7 1 minute, 19 seconds1
3 Visiting Adventurers
340.seanl7 1 minute, 25 seconds0
3 Undisclosed Achievers
344.dswallow7 1 minute, 40 seconds0
12 Hidden Participants
357.agiletortoise7 2 minutes, 5 seconds0
4 Unidentified Puzzlers
362.merlinthp7 2 minutes, 49 seconds0
4 Non-Member Participants
367.rlorenz7 3 minutes, 8 seconds0
13 Mysterious Challengers
381.giromide7 5 minutes, 2 seconds1
20 Anonymous Riddlers
402.mclazarus8 54 seconds0
5 Undisclosed Explorers
408.PhilStollery8 1 minute, 3 seconds0
409.bflock8 1 minute, 3 seconds0
11 Secret Contestants
421.aburtch8 1 minute, 15 seconds0
422.sepcot8 1 minute, 16 seconds0
9 Free Gamers
432.mrakes8 1 minute, 37 seconds0
32 Mystery Puzzlers
465.adamqp8 6 minutes, 59 seconds0
8 Anonymous Adventurers
474.Frankybeenz9 1 minute, 6 seconds0
Unidentified Achiever
476.simoneconnola9 1 minute, 11 seconds0
5 Free Solvers
482.itsmekt719 1 minute, 20 seconds0
4 Unidentified Contestants
487.Edubbs9 1 minute, 26 seconds0
15 Secret Competitors
503.otter9 2 minutes, 11 seconds1
504.HMSeh9 2 minutes, 16 seconds0
Mysterious Solver
506.haugen9 3 minutes, 4 seconds0
2 Shadow Strategists
509.AGS9 3 minutes, 43 seconds0
2 Unidentified Strategists
512.Mark Tomas9 4 minutes, 23 seconds0
13 Incognito Explorers
526.peterk10 50 seconds0
527.Pahonix10 56 seconds0
528.bwhough10 1 minute, 0 seconds0
529.JeremyK10 1 minute, 13 seconds0
26 Unknown Gamers
556.cliff53810 2 minutes, 59 seconds0
Mystery Adventurer
558.ned10 3 minutes, 2 seconds0
4 Mystery Participants
563.thumpre10 4 minutes, 37 seconds0
564.elkgirl10 4 minutes, 48 seconds0
8 Anonymous Gamers
573.bumblefett10 16 minutes, 2 seconds0
6 Undisclosed Victors
580.Ani Friedman11 54 seconds0
581.leoncowle11 1 minute, 2 seconds0
Mystery Enthusiast
583.Dez11 1 minute, 17 seconds0
58 Incognito Contestants
642.Sooza13 1 minute, 24 seconds0
4 Undisclosed Victors
647.trewin13 1 minute, 43 seconds0
9 Undisclosed Achievers
657.SAT23213 3 minutes, 13 seconds1
7 Unidentified Solvers
665.raccoona14 1 minute, 19 seconds0
2 Undisclosed Contestants
668.dbergey14 1 minute, 24 seconds0
27 Visiting Puzzlers
696.Mikeboruta16 2 minutes, 50 seconds0
14 Mysterious Riddlers
711.rebecca20 4 minutes, 23 seconds0
7 Free Participants
719.BooBooBot23 1 minute, 7 seconds0
3 Non-Paying Strategists
723.norm_83724 3 minutes, 26 seconds0
Anonymous Challenger
725.SoQueSera2125 2 minutes, 12 seconds0
13 Shadow Explorers