
by Lex Friedman

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Conlextions #240 Leaderboard

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Conlextions #240 Leaderboards
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Rank Who Turns Time Hints
1.BooBooBot 4 1 second4
2 Non-Member Strategists
4.Sierra4 20 seconds0
5.Frankybeenz4 21 seconds0
6.EmmaVB4 24 seconds0
2 Unregistered Victors
9.Pahonix4 25 seconds0
Secret Adventurer
11.mrakes4 26 seconds0
12.JeremyK4 26 seconds0
13.Edubbs4 26 seconds0
3 Undisclosed Explorers
17.mclazarus4 28 seconds0
6 Free Gamers
24.peterk4 30 seconds0
25.steev4 30 seconds0
9 Mystery Enthusiasts
35.dmoren4 35 seconds0
36.ned4 35 seconds0
3 Stealth Participants
40.raccoona4 36 seconds0
3 Anonymous Solvers
44.yitz4 37 seconds0
45.dswallow4 37 seconds0
17 Unregistered Riddlers
63.GrokTime4 40 seconds0
7 Unidentified Participants
71.SAT2324 42 seconds0
3 Unidentified Enthusiasts
75.TomFrog4 43 seconds0
76.ACM4 43 seconds0
5 Mystery Contestants
82.godofbiscuits4 44 seconds0
83.dbergey4 44 seconds0
84.Mark Tomas4 44 seconds0
85.Existopher4 44 seconds0
8 Hidden Thinkers
94.Essiek554 45 seconds0
9 Non-Member Gamers
104.tylerb4 47 seconds0
6 Hidden Solvers
111.haugen4 49 seconds0
5 Secret Solvers
117.florida1174 50 seconds0
16 Unsubscribed Solvers
134.bwhough4 55 seconds0
14 Mystery Participants
149.stuart4 1 minute, 3 seconds0
8 Free Riddlers
158.norm_8374 1 minute, 8 seconds0
11 Unknown Participants
170.glucas4 1 minute, 14 seconds0
6 Mystery Contestants
177.offput4 1 minute, 17 seconds0
2 Free Solvers
180._brianhamilton4 1 minute, 19 seconds0
17 Undisclosed Challengers
198.BigTrouble4 1 minute, 35 seconds0
3 Free Participants
202.roo4 1 minute, 40 seconds0
16 Mystery Participants
219.K^24 2 minutes, 34 seconds0
14 Visiting Puzzlers
234.merlinthp4 7 minutes, 14 seconds0
235.elkgirl4 9 minutes, 26 seconds0
6 Visiting Thinkers
242.JSlo5 26 seconds0
6 Mystery Explorers
249.otter5 41 seconds0
10 Visiting Players
260.scottaw5 48 seconds0
6 Incognito Thinkers
267.seanl5 52 seconds0
3 Mystery Enthusiasts
271.Ianc5 54 seconds0
4 Stealth Thinkers
276.MsKinNJ5 1 minute, 1 second0
277.aburtch5 1 minute, 1 second0
10 Secret Puzzlers
288.Greg P5 1 minute, 11 seconds0
13 Unknown Challengers
302.Bigmike5 1 minute, 30 seconds0
23 Non-Paying Participants
326.brian5 4 minutes, 0 seconds0
327.Andrew Kemp5 4 minutes, 20 seconds0
8 Unsubscribed Adventurers
336.CharlieB5 4 hours, 37 minutes, 37 seconds0
337.Ani Friedman5 8 hours, 53 minutes, 7 seconds0
17 Free Contestants
355.Tyger6 56 seconds0
19 Non-Paying Enthusiasts
375.undercarbonated6 1 minute, 9 seconds0
6 Mystery Competitors
382.mattbirchler6 1 minute, 22 seconds0
21 Non-Member Competitors
404.billo6 2 minutes, 13 seconds0
10 Mystery Achievers
415.bob2096 24 minutes, 43 seconds0
10 Visiting Enthusiasts
426.jasonlfunk7 57 seconds0
427.adamqp7 1 minute, 1 second0
428.tbridge7 1 minute, 1 second0
6 Non-Member Achievers
435.TRezendes7 1 minute, 14 seconds0
19 Incognito Explorers
455.agiletortoise7 2 minutes, 36 seconds0
456.zenwheel 👑7 2 minutes, 36 seconds0
6 Non-Paying Thinkers
463.kelan7 4 minutes, 29 seconds0
10 Hidden Enthusiasts
474.Swifty7 11 hours, 25 minutes, 8 seconds0
475.jonny8 41 seconds0
2 Stealth Enthusiasts
478.Amj5018 51 seconds0
12 Mystery Solvers
491.leoncowle8 1 minute, 27 seconds0
4 Visiting Challengers
496.HMSeh8 1 minute, 44 seconds0
3 Stealth Solvers
500.jsnell8 1 minute, 55 seconds0
2 Hidden Explorers
503.nathanjliu8 2 minutes, 18 seconds0
10 Non-Member Enthusiasts
514.teisam8 6 minutes, 31 seconds1
8 Unsubscribed Strategists
523.eiskrap9 1 minute, 23 seconds0
2 Hidden Participants
526.quailman9 1 minute, 33 seconds0
20 Incognito Competitors
547.PhilStollery10 1 minute, 21 seconds0
12 Anonymous Enthusiasts
560.enigmadan11 1 minute, 2 seconds0
14 Mystery Competitors
575.rebecca12 2 minutes, 23 seconds0
21 Unknown Explorers
597.AGS16 4 minutes, 2 seconds0
3 Unregistered Strategists
601.Dez18 1 minute, 45 seconds0
6 Stealth Participants
608.sww27 2 minutes, 38 seconds0
609.timkingman27 6 minutes, 15 seconds2
Visiting Puzzler
611.krizzmp28 2 minutes, 27 seconds0