
by Lex Friedman

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Conlextions #215 Leaderboard

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Conlextions #215 Leaderboards
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Rank Who Turns Time Hints
5 Mysterious Achievers
6.Frankybeenz 4 24 seconds0
5 Free Strategists
12.BenRiceM4 27 seconds0
13.peterk4 28 seconds0
5 Mystery Solvers
19.yitz4 33 seconds0
2 Hidden Adventurers
22.scottaw4 34 seconds0
17 Stealth Thinkers
40.dmoren4 38 seconds0
41.bwhough4 38 seconds0
6 Stealth Adventurers
48.mdbaba4 39 seconds0
7 Unsubscribed Participants
56.tbridge4 42 seconds0
7 Undisclosed Competitors
64.zenwheel4 45 seconds0
65.Swifty4 45 seconds0
9 Non-Paying Enthusiasts
75.dswallow4 48 seconds0
21 Mystery Adventurers
97.John4 54 seconds0
13 Unregistered Solvers
111.kodi4 57 seconds0
5 Anonymous Players
117.Ani Friedman4 58 seconds0
18 Non-Member Victors
136.adamqp4 1 minute, 2 seconds0
7 Free Puzzlers
144.haugen4 1 minute, 6 seconds0
8 Secret Adventurers
153.nathanjliu4 1 minute, 11 seconds0
154.Greg P4 1 minute, 11 seconds0
3 Mystery Contestants
158.stuart4 1 minute, 13 seconds0
2 Hidden Competitors
161.Barry4 1 minute, 15 seconds0
162.ACM4 1 minute, 15 seconds0
15 Unregistered Riddlers
178.Millon4 1 minute, 23 seconds0
7 Anonymous Players
186.undercarbonated4 1 minute, 27 seconds0
14 Free Achievers
201.mythgard4 1 minute, 34 seconds0
2 Non-Paying Strategists
204.leoncowle4 1 minute, 35 seconds0
205.hroe4 1 minute, 36 seconds0
21 Shadow Solvers
227.Andrew Kemp4 1 minute, 56 seconds0
3 Incognito Challengers
231.elkgirl4 2 minutes, 3 seconds0
5 Unsubscribed Enthusiasts
237.glucas4 2 minutes, 11 seconds0
2 Incognito Players
240.TomFrog4 2 minutes, 14 seconds0
3 Unregistered Gamers
244.CharlieB4 2 minutes, 31 seconds0
8 Unregistered Contestants
253.AGS4 2 minutes, 59 seconds0
19 Visiting Competitors
273.tylerb4 6 minutes, 24 seconds1
6 Unregistered Victors
280.Pahonix4 18 minutes, 56 seconds0
11 Mysterious Strategists
292.kricket56875 34 seconds0
27 Unregistered Solvers
320.otter5 1 minute, 4 seconds0
3 Secret Strategists
324.EmmaVB5 1 minute, 8 seconds0
2 Unidentified Puzzlers
327.Dr. Ferrous 👑5 1 minute, 12 seconds0
328.Amj5015 1 minute, 14 seconds0
2 Unsubscribed Puzzlers
331.PhilStollery5 1 minute, 20 seconds0
332.mrakes5 1 minute, 21 seconds0
5 Unsubscribed Puzzlers
338.Bigmike5 1 minute, 33 seconds0
4 Mysterious Riddlers
343.ned5 1 minute, 44 seconds0
3 Hidden Achievers
347.offput5 1 minute, 56 seconds0
7 Mysterious Achievers
355.marramgrass5 2 minutes, 11 seconds0
17 Free Achievers
373.heyitsdiggy5 4 minutes, 25 seconds0
2 Secret Achievers
376.SAT2325 5 minutes, 28 seconds3
14 Unidentified Achievers
391.eiskrap6 53 seconds0
Unsubscribed Challenger
393.JeremyK6 1 minute, 0 seconds0
2 Unidentified Thinkers
396.jonny6 1 minute, 8 seconds1
6 Visiting Challengers
403.joekissell6 1 minute, 28 seconds0
Secret Gamer
405.JSlo6 1 minute, 31 seconds0
8 Anonymous Thinkers
414.Grumpy6 2 minutes, 12 seconds0
Non-Paying Explorer
416.mclazarus6 2 minutes, 40 seconds0
13 Hidden Achievers
430.merlinthp6 9 minutes, 15 seconds1
31 Unregistered Participants
462.aburtch7 4 minutes, 2 seconds0
463.billo7 4 minutes, 20 seconds0
6 Undisclosed Victors
470.MsKinNJ8 1 minute, 18 seconds0
4 Mystery Gamers
475.dbergey8 2 minutes, 4 seconds0
39 Unregistered Victors
515.mattbirchler10 1 minute, 50 seconds0
6 Unsubscribed Competitors
522.norm_83711 1 minute, 30 seconds0
5 Shadow Puzzlers
528.krizzmp12 1 minute, 35 seconds0
9 Unsubscribed Adventurers
538.Dez14 4 hours, 47 minutes, 48 seconds0
6 Visiting Enthusiasts
545.iamyourrobot18 10 minutes, 54 seconds0
546.BooBooBot22 8 minutes, 52 seconds0
5 Unidentified Enthusiasts