
by Lex Friedman

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Conlextions #214 Leaderboard

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Conlextions #214 Leaderboards
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Rank Who Turns Time Hints
12 Visiting Victors
13.BooBooBot 4 32 seconds0
14.Ani Friedman4 32 seconds0
7 Stealth Players
22.Dr. Ferrous4 40 seconds0
23.John4 41 seconds0
4 Visiting Challengers
28.dmoren4 44 seconds0
7 Undisclosed Contestants
36.elkgirl4 48 seconds0
37.glucas4 48 seconds0
16 Shadow Players
54.EmmaVB4 54 seconds0
22 Unknown Adventurers
77.raccoona4 1 minute, 4 seconds0
40 Non-Paying Explorers
118.mclazarus4 1 minute, 30 seconds0
3 Hidden Challengers
122.aburtch4 1 minute, 31 seconds0
19 Visiting Strategists
142.joekissell4 1 minute, 42 seconds0
14 Mystery Thinkers
157.Bigmike4 1 minute, 58 seconds0
2 Visiting Victors
160.Andrew Kemp4 2 minutes, 0 seconds0
10 Mystery Participants
171.stuart4 2 minutes, 9 seconds0
14 Non-Member Contestants
186.eiskrap4 2 minutes, 27 seconds0
6 Free Explorers
193.GSStamas4 2 minutes, 50 seconds0
194.merlinthp4 2 minutes, 53 seconds0
3 Unsubscribed Contestants
198.agiletortoise4 2 minutes, 58 seconds0
Non-Member Contestant
200.K^24 3 minutes, 12 seconds0
16 Stealth Riddlers
217.mdbaba4 4 minutes, 42 seconds0
20 Free Gamers
238.BenRiceM5 37 seconds0
13 Mysterious Solvers
252.Grumpy5 44 seconds0
253.undercarbonated5 44 seconds0
23 Unregistered Explorers
277.nathanjliu5 53 seconds0
Unidentified Achiever
279.jonny5 55 seconds0
280.iamyourrobot5 55 seconds0
6 Non-Paying Strategists
287.mythgard5 56 seconds0
6 Shadow Thinkers
294.mrakes5 58 seconds0
295.ACM5 58 seconds0
11 Unregistered Participants
307.offput5 1 minute, 1 second0
3 Stealth Puzzlers
311.TomFrog5 1 minute, 2 seconds0
3 Mystery Players
315.scottaw5 1 minute, 4 seconds0
5 Non-Paying Enthusiasts
321.billo5 1 minute, 5 seconds0
3 Shadow Enthusiasts
325.adamqp5 1 minute, 6 seconds0
7 Mysterious Achievers
333.zenwheel 👑5 1 minute, 9 seconds0
5 Free Contestants
339.tylerb5 1 minute, 10 seconds0
340.yitz5 1 minute, 10 seconds0
26 Mystery Competitors
367.Pahonix5 1 minute, 19 seconds0
10 Unidentified Solvers
378.PhilStollery5 1 minute, 22 seconds0
11 Mystery Contestants
390.kelan5 1 minute, 30 seconds0
3 Undisclosed Gamers
394.godofbiscuits5 1 minute, 31 seconds0
3 Non-Paying Contestants
398.Ianc5 1 minute, 33 seconds0
2 Unknown Puzzlers
401.Dez5 1 minute, 34 seconds0
5 Non-Paying Players
407.danielpunkass5 1 minute, 37 seconds0
3 Unregistered Puzzlers
411.Greg P5 1 minute, 38 seconds0
412.mattbirchler5 1 minute, 39 seconds0
8 Shadow Players
421.CharlieB5 1 minute, 48 seconds0
19 Shadow Achievers
441.ned5 2 minutes, 3 seconds0
7 Non-Member Victors
449.brian5 2 minutes, 27 seconds0
35 Visiting Riddlers
485.zmk5 10 hours, 18 minutes, 58 seconds0
4 Non-Member Riddlers
490.bflock6 1 minute, 8 seconds0
6 Unidentified Strategists
497.Frankybeenz6 1 minute, 20 seconds0
4 Non-Member Contestants
502.Millon6 1 minute, 25 seconds0
12 Mystery Solvers
515.norm_8376 1 minute, 55 seconds0
5 Visiting Adventurers
521.heyitsdiggy6 2 minutes, 18 seconds0
14 Shadow Challengers
536.bwhough7 39 seconds0
5 Visiting Thinkers
542.JSlo7 1 minute, 20 seconds0
543.dbergey7 1 minute, 23 seconds0
Unregistered Contestant
545.SAT2327 1 minute, 46 seconds0
9 Mysterious Strategists
555.peterk8 49 seconds0
13 Hidden Puzzlers
569.krizzmp8 3 minutes, 41 seconds0
570.timkingman8 5 minutes, 49 seconds0
3 Mystery Riddlers
574.JeremyK9 1 minute, 39 seconds0
4 Stealth Challengers
579.Swifty9 1 minute, 48 seconds0
19 Mystery Solvers
599.AGS10 7 minutes, 42 seconds1
7 Mysterious Challengers
607.Amj50116 2 minutes, 45 seconds0
2 Secret Thinkers