
by Lex Friedman

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Conlextions #189 Leaderboard

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Conlextions #189 Leaderboards
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Rank Who Turns Time Hints
Mystery Thinker
2.raccoona 4 26 seconds0
2 Visiting Contestants
5.dmoren4 32 seconds0
6.dbergey 👑4 33 seconds0
7.Ani Friedman4 35 seconds0
8.Tyger4 38 seconds0
2 Undisclosed Riddlers
11.BenRiceM4 40 seconds0
12.MsKinNJ4 44 seconds0
Shadow Puzzler
14.kodi4 47 seconds0
3 Visiting Riddlers
18.glucas4 49 seconds0
Unregistered Competitor
20.BooBooBot4 57 seconds0
Free Victor
22.nathanjliu4 58 seconds0
Unregistered Thinker
24.John4 1 minute, 3 seconds0
5 Unidentified Riddlers
30.Ianc4 1 minute, 10 seconds0
Incognito Participant
32.Faysal4 1 minute, 14 seconds0
33.Spol4 1 minute, 20 seconds0
2 Mysterious Contestants
36.adamqp4 1 minute, 21 seconds0
37.Amj5014 1 minute, 24 seconds0
Anonymous Competitor
39.Andrew Kemp4 1 minute, 33 seconds0
3 Hidden Explorers
43.Dr. Ferrous4 2 minutes, 22 seconds0
44.Bigmike4 2 minutes, 24 seconds0
45.gknauss4 2 minutes, 27 seconds0
Anonymous Explorer
47.zenwheel4 4 minutes, 6 seconds0
2 Undisclosed Achievers
50.joekissell4 15 minutes, 8 seconds0
Visiting Victor
52.jswright615 1 minute, 11 seconds0
2 Hidden Strategists
55.kelan5 2 minutes, 21 seconds0
4 Secret Players
60.JeremyK6 59 seconds0
4 Unsubscribed Thinkers
65.norm_8376 8 minutes, 59 seconds0
2 Shadow Achievers
68.brian7 7 minutes, 50 seconds0
Unregistered Challenger
70.scottaw8 1 minute, 9 seconds0
3 Anonymous Participants
74.billo8 2 minutes, 46 seconds0
75.Grumpy8 3 minutes, 6 seconds1
3 Unknown Achievers
79.yatil10 2 minutes, 36 seconds2
7 Visiting Players
87.PhilStollery26 2 minutes, 38 seconds0
88.Iastate765333 1 minute, 35 seconds0
Secret Gamer