
by Lex Friedman

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By A Vowel #106 Leaderboard

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By A Vowel #106 Leaderboards
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Rank Who Time
1. dmoren 13 seconds
4 Free Challengers
6. tbridge 18 seconds
2 Mystery Competitors
9. Amj501 21 seconds
10. Diamond_Dog 21 seconds
5 Stealth Puzzlers
16. Sierra 22 seconds
17. rlivsey 22 seconds
18. mccllstr 22 seconds
3 Hidden Players
22. wixardy 23 seconds
2 Unregistered Strategists
25. Edubbs 24 seconds
26. ACM 24 seconds
27. Raineer 24 seconds
2 Undisclosed Strategists
30. mikerastiello 25 seconds
31. eltsac 25 seconds
2 Non-Paying Challengers
34. adamqp 27 seconds
35. Quam 27 seconds
8 Unknown Challengers
44. jonny 30 seconds
45. undercarbonated 30 seconds
46. AliW 30 seconds
Anonymous Solver
48. tallparks 31 seconds
49. kim 31 seconds
50. raccoona 32 seconds
51. merlinthp 32 seconds
52. otter 32 seconds
53. marshally 32 seconds
3 Stealth Riddlers
57. JeremyK 33 seconds
58. natebeaty 33 seconds
Visiting Player
60. billo 34 seconds
61. giromide 34 seconds
2 Hidden Competitors
64. MsKinNJ 35 seconds
65. belehaa 35 seconds
66. robbinamsterdam 35 seconds
3 Mysterious Participants
70. TomFrog 36 seconds
71. eczarny 36 seconds
2 Incognito Challengers
74. yitz 37 seconds
2 Unsubscribed Solvers
77. jazzy 38 seconds
Stealth Challenger
79. joekissell 39 seconds
2 Stealth Achievers
82. holgr 41 seconds
83. avidbeader 41 seconds
84. gregde 41 seconds
8 Stealth Strategists
93. TX101010 45 seconds
94. marramgrass 45 seconds
95. JSlo 45 seconds
3 Visiting Adventurers
99. ballookey 49 seconds
3 Unknown Players
103. scottaw 51 seconds
3 Unsubscribed Thinkers
107. Marcintosh 53 seconds
108. elkgirl 53 seconds
109. steev 55 seconds
5 Shadow Enthusiasts
115. BooBooBot 56 seconds
116. mattslangford 56 seconds
2 Unknown Gamers
119. offput 58 seconds
6 Unknown Participants
126. leehadassin 59 seconds
3 Stealth Players
130. eiskrap 1 minute, 0 seconds
4 Incognito Participants
135. FredDuffle 1 minute, 4 seconds
12 Visiting Puzzlers
148. TLee64 1 minute, 13 seconds
Mystery Competitor
150. charlesa 1 minute, 15 seconds
4 Undisclosed Gamers
155. sem 1 minute, 18 seconds
2 Visiting Victors
158. Andrew Kemp 1 minute, 21 seconds
159. AGS 1 minute, 22 seconds
160. enigmadan 1 minute, 22 seconds
Incognito Enthusiast
162. PhilStollery 1 minute, 23 seconds
7 Stealth Puzzlers
170. rebecca 1 minute, 39 seconds
3 Stealth Adventurers
174. agiletortoise 1 minute, 43 seconds
175. Marylyn 1 minute, 45 seconds
3 Non-Paying Challengers
179. leoncowle 1 minute, 49 seconds
Non-Member Challenger
181. Dr. Ferrous 1 minute, 50 seconds
182. coachwatson 1 minute, 50 seconds
Unsubscribed Enthusiast
184. teisam 1 minute, 54 seconds
3 Unsubscribed Adventurers
188. mrakes 1 minute, 57 seconds
189. Ianc 1 minute, 58 seconds
2 Non-Member Challengers
192. juri 2 minutes, 3 seconds
Unidentified Puzzler
194. Frankybeenz 2 minutes, 4 seconds
195. mclazarus 2 minutes, 6 seconds
196. dswallow 2 minutes, 8 seconds
3 Non-Member Adventurers
200. tylerb 2 minutes, 16 seconds
201. sepcot 2 minutes, 20 seconds
2 Anonymous Achievers
204. calrdfl 2 minutes, 23 seconds
3 Free Riddlers
208. TRezendes 👑 2 minutes, 26 seconds
2 Secret Explorers
211. 41br 2 minutes, 36 seconds
2 Undisclosed Strategists
214. Peter 2 minutes, 45 seconds
7 Unsubscribed Enthusiasts
222. scottisloud 3 minutes, 14 seconds
6 Anonymous Victors
229. Fikiri 3 minutes, 53 seconds
2 Mystery Puzzlers
232. Birdie 4 minutes, 33 seconds
233. bumblefett 4 minutes, 40 seconds
Unknown Challenger
235. BethH 4 minutes, 59 seconds
19 Secret Strategists
255. itsmekt71 14 minutes, 21 seconds
3 Mystery Adventurers
259. Grover924 2 hours, 39 minutes, 59 seconds
260. Nathan B 4 hours, 24 minutes, 51 seconds
4 Unidentified Players
265. pmele 13 hours, 4 minutes, 16 seconds
266. Pdkoenig 15 hours, 38 minutes, 50 seconds
5 Unidentified Thinkers
272. stuart 83 hours, 2 minutes, 39 seconds